better to just have it the way it is now, and that is a device one has to blow into, in order to start the vehicle.
once something like this "kill switch" is mandated, there goes the cost of the vehicle, cuz, we all know the manufactures do nothing for free. this "could add" as much as $1,000 per vehicle.
also, this goes to diagnostic time and charges, and replacement parts, especially out of warranty.
i say then, that if the Feds get their way and pass this BS..??
then make all the parts, and diagnostic time payable by the government, since it was their idea.
as it is now, all cars built since the late 1980's have a "black box", and now too, GPS/satellite capabilities that can be very easily accessed via court order/warrant.
what's next, all new tv sets, must have a camera and audio so we can be spied on..???
Orwell, wasn't that far off, now was he..???