These man-on-the-street pop up interviews are funny. Especially the ones on fancy book learnin’ campuses. Oh and sporting a hairstyle that’s reminiscent of someone significant, hmmmm, I can’t recall…was it suppose to look like a trumpy bear?
Love it when they always find the best candidates to get opinions from.
As for Herrera, he would be my choice to play Mac if I were doing the casting for “Its Always Sunny, The Movie”.
Now imagine if all these protestors, rally-goers, revelers had jobs, obligation, responsibilities or even a hobby to attend to. Groups support and fund programs, program funds pay for activism. Some if not most clowns are paid to attend and act up at these events, it’s why so many show up. Some are just mindless dimwit followers with nothing left to do.
I was sent a tic-tocked video (look it up) of some sort of festival or rally and an interviewer was there getting opinions, it was very short and went like this…
Interviewer: How many genders are there?
Man: I don’t know, I just got here.
Seemed like a uniformed, stupid answer?
Actually it’s probably a very intelligent reply to the question, measuring the way the alternative alphabet lifestyle classifications keeps adding and ever changing.