
Turan ammo - is it worthwhile?

easy for me to say NO to​


  • Brass cases that are great for reloading
  • Non-corrosive Boxer primers
  • Standard full metal jackets with lead cores
  • It’s cheap


  • Availability
  • Mixed reviews on FTFs and reliability (misfires)
  • Limited calibers

Parting Shots​

Overall, Turan ammo is great if you want low-cost ammunition that may or may not fire. We wouldn’t recommend it for serious shooting activities like hunting or personal defense. We also wouldn’t invest in Turan as our go-to bulk ammo before trying it in all of our rifles and 9mm handguns. Solely because it doesn’t have a great reputation.

I've ordered some cheap ammo through them during COVID it was called DRZ and I believe it was made in Turkey. I actually had no issues with any of it but what I noticed about the cheaper brand ammo like this that it shoots real dirty. It's probably only 20 bucks or so cheaper for a thousand rounds then Winchester or CCI so I would spend an extra few bucks and have an easier time cleaning my guns after shooting.