
Two Range Reports: Fletcher Arms, 10/7/22 and 10/15/22


Greetings and salutations!

I did not post last week's AAR. I've been a bit busy. So I'll give you two for the price of one in this thread. Last week I visited the newer Fletcher Arms range. It sure is a pretty drive out there, especially now that it's Fall.


The leaves around here have turned even more since then. Last week I worked with only my XD9 and Garrison.


I thought I'd try something different. I put four 8" reactive targets on my B-8 target. Then I shot each target at different distances, 5 yards, 7 yards, 10 yards, and 15 yards.


My first four magazines with the Garrison showed an increased low/left as the distance increased.


Since I barely scratched the 15 yard target, I patched it up and sent it back out to try and improve my hits. I guess I did a little better the second time at 15 yards. At least the hits were all on the paper with a few more on the actual target. :ROFLMAO:


Then I switched to my XD9 and shot the small silhouette at 10 yards. I tossed down one flyer to the bullet gods.


I shot a total of four magazines, forty rounds, ten at each bullseye on this silhouette. I was having a really rough day.


So I called it quits. It had been a long day. Earlier I had been doing NRA volunteer work, knocking on doors and writing post cards. The volunteer group had met at the range so I brought my kit in order to have fun afterwards. It was cool to encourage others to support 2A and then practice my 2A. ;)

In my next post will be the AAR from my range practice today. I think I did a little better. We'll see.

Thank you for your indulgence,


This is the fun I had today, 10/15/22. I practiced at the older of the two Fletcher Arms ranges. It's much closer to the house. This weekend is a special weekend at the range. They are giving away stuff and as a member I got two free raffle tickets. I might win a, um, one of those, you know, Glock things. It's their "Glocktober" promotion. I was given lane #4. It's my favorite lane!


I brought out most of the pistols today, all except Mrs. BassCliff's CW9.


It has been a couple of months since I've practiced a 10-10-10 drill. The range was fairly quiet so I ran a couple. This was the "cold" drill from low ready. I hope @KillerFord1977 will forgive me.



First shot: 1.48sec, 10th shot: 7.26sec. This is not a passing score but seems to be "combat effective". I guess this isn't too bad for not having practiced this for over two months. I ran one more 10-10-10 drill.


I see a marginal improvement, one more in the 10 ring and one less in the 8 ring. This would've been a passing score but for going 0.05 seconds over par. (You count a one second penalty for every hit out of the black.) Then I practiced some slow fire B-8 targets at 10 yards. I shot everything at 10 yards today. Target #3 isn't much better than my rapid fire.


Target #4 is a little better except for the flyer thrown down as a sacrifice to the bullet gods.


Target #5 has another flyer for the bullet gods.


Let's try one more and see if I can keep it together for ten whole shots in a row.


Drat and bother. Seven hits in the 10 ring with one flyer in the 6 ring. I think I need my Geritol or something. Now I have an odd number of bullets left because of a partial box I'd brought with me. To finish my session with the XD9, I loaded up 14 bullets in my XD and sent them toward an 8" reactive at ten yards.


At least they are all on the target. I moved on to practice with my "new" Garrison. I had pulled 50 rounds of .45 from my new LAX Ammunition ammo can. The ammo ran great except for one FTF when loading a fresh magazine. I just knocked the slide forward and it went just fine. I shot these silhouettes at ten yards.




I kept patching it, or sticking on 8" reactives, and kept shooting it.




Then I had eight .45 cartridges left in the box. I thought I'd try something a little different. I put one in the pipe and tried to put two hits on each 3x5 card.


I barely got five out of eight on the cards. I think I'll practice this drill some more. It's time to shoot .22 now. I loaded up four magazines for my P22 and put six shots in my little cowboy gun. I was trying to hit the center of the B-8 with the cowboy gun. I need to adjust my sight picture.


It's been a while since I've shot the Heritage Rough Rider. It's usually very accurate. I loaded up six more shots and tried the B-8 center again.


OK, that's marginally better. I'll need to refine that sight picture some more, get that front blade tucked down a little more in between the rear sights, I suppose. Now it's getting near closing time (4pm today) and the range is getting busy. I'm going to make my exit. I have an advanced defensive pistol clinic on Monday at the newer range. It should be quite involved. I think we'll be shooting with flashlights, moving, multiple targets, etc. It sounds like fun! I'll let you know.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Glad you fun at the range.

I’m going to be devils advocate again:

Spend an hours worth of private time with an instructor. He can decompress where the “drat” is coming from on the low left and more I’m a low left miss. I know why on mine and I’m sure its the same for you.

For the ammo you spend, go get a 1 hr with a qualified , good quality instructor. Ask around.

Glad you fun at the range.

I’m going to be devils advocate again:

Spend an hours worth of private time with an instructor. He can decompress where the “drat” is coming from on the low left and more I’m a low left miss. I know why on mine and I’m sure its the same for you.

For the ammo you spend, go get a 1 hr with a qualified , good quality instructor. Ask around.

I appreciate the encouragement! I have an advanced defensive handgun clinic tomorrow. I will make it a point to arrange some one-on-one time with one of their instructors in the near future. In fact, I think I'll send an email now to gather some information.

It is fun to practice. I'd like to practice more than once a week but that's usually not convenient. I know all the mechanics, the fundamentals, sight alignment, grip, trigger pull, etc. Some days are better than others. I know I'm inconsistent but I would like to improve my accuracy when slow firing. I'm sure it's a mental thing. My laser practice is much more accurate than my live fire practice. I'm hoping someone looking over my shoulder can give me the fine points I need to get off this plateau I'm on. You'll be the second to know. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Cliff, @KillerFord1977 and I have a 2hr private session with an instructor in a week’s time. However much he and I push each other there are still many things we know we need to work on. Good luck to you. Here’s some motivation - a quick trip to the range today - 15 yds, 4in target, 5inch Prodigy.

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Nice shooting Simon.

Now do 100 pushups and 100 jumping jacks and then shoot. :)

Cliff, @KillerFord1977 and I have a 2hr private session with an instructor in a week’s time. However much he and I push each other there are still many things we know we need to work on. Good luck to you. Here’s some motivation - a quick trip to the range today - 15 yds, 4in target, 5inch Prodigy.

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Yes, I think I would make better progress if I had a friend who was a steady shooting partner. I'm getting to know folks at the range and my local NRA chapter. We'll see what I can work out. I'm going to arrange a private lesson and go from there. Thanks for your encouragement. Sorry I couldn't make it down there for your shindig. Maybe if you throw a range party next year I can make it happen. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,
