I make no judgement in regards to the content of the posted link or video . My comments are simply offered toward the general subject matter which I do find interesting.
In regards to the unattainable goal
lets be honest.. situational awareness is generally unattainable, isnt it? You can endeavor to pay attention and work toward some level of situational awareness but for the lone person without the aid of a team or tech and relying substantially on 180 degree primary observations and 360 intermittent observation at ground level? Come on.. how much are you really going to know about your situation. A persons situation (IMO) encompasses a much larger area than the interior of a coffee shop. At best, in a busy public environment which you do not control, you often have perhaps 75 feet ( or less) of awareness bubble to work with. I am a huge proponent of paying attention and being observant. I am also a huge proponent of people getting some training so that they will have a good idea of what to look for, understand what they are seeing, realize how it may impact their personal safety and know how to exploit conditions in their favor so as to mitigate potential danger. That said, I also feel that the term "situational awareness" is often overused. I think we should all just get our heads out of our phones and pay attention.