
Update....Tactical-Reviews upgraded to Founding Member..... Thank you one and all

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Founding Member
As I understand due to a glitch or foul-up or miscommunication our Buddy and Fellow Member Tactical-Reviews got slighted out of the Honor of the distinction of being a Founding Member. Requesting the immediate change.
If you agree or disagree please leave a comment below. Thank you!
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As I understand due to a glitch or foul-up or miscommunication our Buddy and Fellow Member Tactical-Reviews got slighted out of the Honor of the distinction of being a Founding Member. Requesting the immediate change.
If you agree or disagree please leave a comment below. Thank you!
I agree. If the error was no fault of his own, then let's do the right thing and correct the oversight. Respectfully.
As I understand due to a glitch or foul-up or miscommunication our Buddy and Fellow Member Tactical-Reviews got slighted out of the Honor of the distinction of being a Founding Member. Requesting the immediate change.
If you agree or disagree please leave a comment below. Thank you!
Thanks for taking up this cause SMSgtRod. What a nice man!
Old Groucho Marx joke...sorry...it's late. Actually, it's: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”
I never forget a face, but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception.
I am unaware of the particular details of this situation, so I am unable to give a definitive 'yae' or 'nay'. However, if the problem is due to a mistake of the forum administration then I feel it is the forum's responsibility to correct that mistake.
Thanks, everyone. Either way, I would still be active here and help promote the site. I mentioned the forum yesterday during a podcast. I'm going to set up a button in the studio to promote the forum during the shows. I'll also keep promoting it on Twitter where we have more than 6 million a month in reach. I'll be in the hospital all weekend and will be bored out of my mind, so lots of time to make comments and posts.
As I understand due to a glitch or foul-up or miscommunication our Buddy and Fellow Member Tactical-Reviews got slighted out of the Honor of the distinction of being a Founding Member. Requesting the immediate change.
If you agree or disagree please leave a comment below. Thank you!
That profile is titled with Founding member. See post #16.
Old Groucho Marx joke...sorry...it's late. Actually, it's: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”
"Say the secret word and the duck will come down and give you one hundred dollars." 🦆 - You Bet Your Life
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