I’m not even going to joke about selling something I don’t own, it was a scam for sure.
Phone calls I love.
Phone rings, I answer, hello, caller says this is Mr. Green calling on a recorded line. My response is, great I’m recording also, and tell Mrs Brown who called yesterday my answer is still no and hang up.
yes, i am sure it was a scam.
i don't know the housing market where you are, but up here, the past year, houses for sale dwindled to near nothing, making all others that are available, nearly tripled in value.
houses in my "hood" alone, that used to sell for about $350,000 were being sold for $800,000...as a result, the city in its infinite wisdom, hired a contractor to "re-evaluate" all the homes.....mine is now valued at $700,000, will i get that money..??
i dunno...but ya wanna know what i did get...??
a HUGE spike in my property tax bill......
with land/homes so scarce up here, YES, a cemetary, even just a 4 person burial plot IS enough land nowadays, to build a high rise condo on it.
you'd be surprised in what a builder/investor can build on a postage sized lot up here.