
V-22 Osprey: Helicopter That Identifies as an Airplane

The article glosses over the V-22 "issues".

The USN made a mistake when they selected a variant for the COD role, and now has had to bring the C-2A back in to supplement longer-range COD missions to the CVNs.

A S-3 COD version would have been a better choice.

And the US has plans to essentially rebuild the V-22, costing $Bs USD to keep it viable.

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If you guys only knew..............

If you heard just a little of this things actual performance, you'd wonder what the hell the DOD was thinking when it bought them........

But it's another case of WAY TOO MUCH MONEY and TIME spent in development, maintenance data being doctored, covering up the $#!+ show the bird actually is.
Being long out of uniform but not out of .mil training areas there is one quality of the Osprey I'm comfortable with based on prior service (in two campaigns in VN, one of them in an Air Cav Sqn.) as well as years near military bases. Buried in there are 15 years with a office about a mile off the end of runway 24R at MCAS Miramar & time servicing the hospital at Camp Pendleton.
I still get training area flights from Seymour Johnson AFB, MCAS New River & a few others, including training flights with CH-47's (which I heard plenty of back in the day). I'm also next to a "Robin Sage" exercise area.
On a couple of occasions have had "packages" of V-22's approach at low level in horizontal flight mode at ~500' AGL. No transition. The difference is how fast these things are when they approach and overfly you. The MD500 excepted, the noise of any military helicopter from Blackhawk up is detectable miles & at least a minute away, often more. Plenty of time for troops on the ground to grab a rifle, man a AA weapon or take other actions. This is not the case with a V-22. The blades are loud when they get close, but they get close with little time to react. They sound qualitatively different of course but you have MUCH less time to react before it's there and gone. I have not been present for one during transition or landing but in a tactical flyover you don't have a lot of time to respond.

Wow. That's one complicated piece of hardware. It's got too many points of failure requiring so much maintenance. How can you make that simple, robust, and bullet proof? I'm not sure it's worth it. And that's my profound glimpse into the obvious for today. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

AV8 Harrier is/was a tried platform. They were assembled in St Louis and used by the Marines. They didn't crash every other time they went up. We got them in crates and I would to this day trust one over that flying coffin V-22.