
VCDL Lobby Day Update.


The Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day event went off yesterday without a hitch. Here are photo's of speakers that traveled to Richmond for the Lobby Day rally that took place on the grounds of the state capital building. I got to talk to these guys on Sunday at our annual before Lobby Day dinner. They are working hard for us and are leaders in the struggle to maintain our 2nd Amendment rights.

Erich Pratt, the Senior Vice President for Gun Owners of America, spoke about GOA's role in promoting the Second Amendmen and how it's fighting for our freedom to keep and bear arms.
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Jared Yanis was also a feature speaker. Currently he is the CEO and President of Guns & Gadgets Media, and his YouTube channel has almost 700,000 subscribers. He publishes daily videos of 2nd Amendment news and is a trusted source for news in the 2A community.
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Another speaker, Dan Wos, is the author of the "Good Gun Bad Guy” book series, and is a contributing writer for AmmoLand News, Daily Caller, Truth About Guns and several other publications. Dan can be found on radio stations across the country speaking on behalf of gun-rights and exposing the strategies of the anti-gun crowd. Dan is also the national spokesperson for Gun Owners of America.
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Another speadker