That Belgian Chill
For those who haven’t read of the fight between the three refurbished M4 Shermans of the 740th against the lead element of Battle Group Peiper and the 1st SS Panzer Division during the “Bulge.”
Vet recalls little-known account that turned tide in Battle of the Bulge
WASHINGTON -- With only three refurbished tanks, Pfc. Harry Miller and the 740th Tank Battalion was asked to stop the 1st SS Panzer Division, the spearhead of the Battle of the Bulge.

Members of the 740th Tank Battalion and Headquarters Company of the 3rd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, advance in a snowstorm behind a tank to attack Herresbach, Belgium. 28 January 1945, with the help of a local.
More detailed account on the "Battle of the Bulge" here....The German Salient Expands to the West