
We can hope this becomes the standard at colleges

I really don’t understand those on the left who are “afraid” of legally armed folks. Legally armed people tend to be far safer than anyone else. Those “illegally” armed will always be the problem .
They are not "afraid". They use their "fear" as an excuse for control, or they are looking for attention snowflakes "afraid" so someone will come comfort them.
I say give them all the attention they can stand. A co-worker was complaining of having to sanitize his home of all guns anything, otherwise when is daughter brought her boyfriend for Thanksgiving, if the lil snowflake saw anything gun/hunting he would hunch up on the couch and withdraw into himself. (looking for attention/making a spectacle of himself) I suggested getting a switch, and when he got out of the car lay into him until he maned up and defended himself or he could no longer produce grandchildren. Win win either way.
It's simple, the left wants complete control. You can only have that if the "underlings" are unarmed and completely dependent on those in control.
Man, no. Just no. Lefties aren't a different breed or species. We want most of the same things you do we just have different ideas of how to get there. Try telling me the current administration isn't trying to seize a ton of control. For any overreach by the left there's one on the right. Dems want gun control, Republicans want to control who you can love. Dems want bakers to make cakes for gay weddings, Republicans want to tell companies who they can hire. Want to make the country a better place for everyone? Get out of your bubble and talk to some lefties in good faith. Statements like the one you made are nothing more than foolish.
They are not "afraid". They use their "fear" as an excuse for control, or they are looking for attention snowflakes "afraid" so someone will come comfort them.
I say give them all the attention they can stand. A co-worker was complaining of having to sanitize his home of all guns anything, otherwise when is daughter brought her boyfriend for Thanksgiving, if the lil snowflake saw anything gun/hunting he would hunch up on the couch and withdraw into himself. (looking for attention/making a spectacle of himself) I suggested getting a switch, and when he got out of the car lay into him until he maned up and defended himself or he could no longer produce grandchildren. Win win either way.
How many righties would get their undies in a twist if they went into a house that had BLM or trans rights paraphernalia laying about? Or a "Free Palestine" sign and Quran? That's equally spineless.

A lot of people are legitimately scared of guns. MANY doctors know are, because their only exposure to them is pulling bullets out of people. Want to help with that? Take someone to the range and be a decent person when you do it, like a good representative of the gun-owning part of the country. First step, though, get off the conspiracy nonsense.
How many righties would get their undies in a twist if they went into a house that had BLM or trans rights paraphernalia laying about? Or a "Free Palestine" sign and Quran? That's equally spineless.
Sorry ain't buying it. I may disagree, I may not like it, and it's someone else's house what they do is their business. Besides I'm not using my "fear" as an excuse to control.
"Want to make the country a better place for everyone? Get out of your bubble and talk to some lefties in good faith." Tried that for many many years. Tried to come to a compromise and understanding. Got kicked between the pockets every time.
Nice try but no gold star ;)
I'm out trying to stay away from political B.S. on this forum
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Sorry ain't buying it. I may disagree, I may not like it, and it's someone else's house what they do is their business. Besides I'm not using my "fear" as an excuse to control.
Nice try but no gold star ;)
You don't have to buy it. There is plenty of outrage on the right about each of those things despite them having no tangible effect on their lives. That outrage wouldn't be there if people we're threatened by it somehow.
They are not "afraid". They use their "fear" as an excuse for control, or they are looking for attention snowflakes "afraid" so someone will come comfort them.
I say give them all the attention they can stand. A co-worker was complaining of having to sanitize his home of all guns anything, otherwise when is daughter brought her boyfriend for Thanksgiving, if the lil snowflake saw anything gun/hunting he would hunch up on the couch and withdraw into himself. (looking for attention/making a spectacle of himself) I suggested getting a switch, and when he got out of the car lay into him until he maned up and defended himself or he could no longer produce grandchildren. Win win either way.
I’d say F the lil a—hole. Come to my house, live by my rules. No likey? LEAVE or don’t come to start with. This is the kind of crap raising boys with no balls or sense of reality gets you. I do like the idea of this pin’ him though.
They are not "afraid". They use their "fear" as an excuse for control, or they are looking for attention snowflakes "afraid" so someone will come comfort them.
I say give them all the attention they can stand. A co-worker was complaining of having to sanitize his home of all guns anything, otherwise when is daughter brought her boyfriend for Thanksgiving, if the lil snowflake saw anything gun/hunting he would hunch up on the couch and withdraw into himself. (looking for attention/making a spectacle of himself) I suggested getting a switch, and when he got out of the car lay into him until he maned up and defended himself or he could no longer produce grandchildren. Win win either way.
My house , my rules! You don't like it , there's the door. I'd also say if he had brought up his daughter correctly , she wouldn't have picked a wussy to date.
How many righties would get their undies in a twist if they went into a house that had BLM or trans rights paraphernalia laying about? Or a "Free Palestine" sign and Quran? That's equally spineless.

A lot of people are legitimately scared of guns. MANY doctors know are, because their only exposure to them is pulling bullets out of people. Want to help with that? Take someone to the range and be a decent person when you do it, like a good representative of the gun-owning part of the country. First step, though, get off the conspiracy nonsense.

In my work I have to deal with all kinds of people. I won't lie, the majority of people these days ( around here anyway ) do not seem to be the rainbow flag flying type, but they aren't exactly rare. And I do have to go into their house and dig holes in their yards and all that. I've never had a problem with ANY customers. Really it's about respecting everyone's right to believe what they want to believe. I will say in my experience, especially in the last 8 years or so, those on the left are more intolerant and prone to altercation about opposing views. I don't have too many with Trump signs even trying to talk politics with me, but a good percentage of the obvious progressives try to engage me politically. To like feel me out or whatever. Since my job depends on it I am very diplomatic about it. I usually just say I don't follow politics, I think they're all full of shite. That seems to satisfy most people.

I have an aunt who is really far left. She helps me take care of my dad on Thursday nights while my mom bowls. My mom is pretty vocally right leaning and my aunt is really vocally left leaning. We avoid talking about politics altogether and it works for us.

I suspect nearly everyone here has relatives or neighbors or someone from the opposite political ideology and I bet all of us are adept at remaining civil about it. Probably none of us has actually had someone come into our house and be an ass about this or that "Sign" of political advocacy. I know I haven't.
Man, no. Just no. Lefties aren't a different breed or species. We want most of the same things you do we just have different ideas of how to get there. Try telling me the current administration isn't trying to seize a ton of control. For any overreach by the left there's one on the right. Dems want gun control, Republicans want to control who you can love. Dems want bakers to make cakes for gay weddings, Republicans want to tell companies who they can hire. Want to make the country a better place for everyone? Get out of your bubble and talk to some lefties in good faith. Statements like the one you made are nothing more than foolish.
I'll say you're half right.

Here's the STUPID part about rights.........there ARE rights called human rights and no splinter faction shocome from that (gay, lbgq or anoy other whatever they want to be called or use) regardless of (I'm sure) they are on both sides.

We all know the left favor gun control and that's subjective on where that'll end up! Then we have the right. Pro-life which most left can't stand. Those 2 are the biggest hold your ground fights on the hill. Probably no arguments there.
For those who DON'T know what college life contains.........there ARE lots of under aged teens that consume alcohol!!!!!! Hard to believe right ;) :unsure:! I wonder how many would refrain from tot'n around a firearm while drinking........ no guess necessary as it will be ZERO. Those young morons aren't that smart! Put 1 of those things like they have in vehicles to blow in before the vehicle will start before the trigger can be activated! I know not all partake in the consumption, but there will always be 1 that will ruin at least 1 person's day by shooting them! I DO believe have the right to protect ourselves, but many just want a firearm and don't know how to use it safely. The ones that do are conditioned by generations of lawful gun owners.
I will say in my experience, especially in the last 8 years or so, those on the left are more intolerant and prone to altercation about opposing views.

My older relatives were all Democrats, I said WERE! They have all switched sides because the Democrats left them behind. They now vote Republican because they are gun owners and are sick and tired that every time they turn around the Democrats are dictating stuff they oppose.

Now they(Democrats) are all PO'd that their glorious little money laundering scheme has had light shone upon it. Not only did they help at least one terrorist get a college education but OUR tax dollars paid for it. There's massive waste in government in Washington DC. We definitely need smaller government because all we're doing is creating more and more big government that needs more and more money for stuff that doesn't benefit us at home.
Just take a look at all the money, billions being spent on illegal aliens while we have people that lost everything in hurricanes and are getting nothing, yet illegals are/were sitting in high class hotels sucking up our tax dollars in a comfortable room.
Put your money where your mouth is @benstt invite a few families of illegals into your home give them shelter and all the extra dollars YOU have.
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Since a few thousand people died because of quran- worshipers, I trust people with a Bible in their house more than I trust someone with a Quran. Try and twist that anyhow you dare

Maybe if millions of Quran owners didn't hate Americans, I'd be more comfortable with millions of them illegally invading our borders without being checked. But leftists not only welcome them, they fly them in by the planeload. We pay and house illegals more than we take care of our own people.

And then the leftists get hysterical when the illegals are forced to leave.

That's stupid.