
We must remember our history.......

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A well written article and argument against infringement of the Second Amendment. If we don't remember our lessons from history, we unfortunately will suffer them again. Also a good example of why we can not destroy our history even if we don't agree with what occurred.
I get so aggravated over the public schools not teaching history like they use to.... ie US History, US Civics, World History, and Kentucky History my home state btw. So many of the books used to teach with today have dropped so much out that the children are taught a misconstrued view of what really happened due to the publishers watering down the history to be politically correct. Historical monuments are being torn down for the same politically correct sentiments... our childrens children will not be able to remember because it will not be taught or seen by them which is what the leftist want. Mindless sheep that know no better. Thank goodness we have taken the time teach our kids history on our own.

I don't proclaim to have all the answers because I don't. I do know that if we do nothing to stop the current trend of things here in the US that the people that formed this nation and the heroes that have stood and fought for what America stands for, will be washed away over time with fewer and fewer references made to these individuals. The very foundations of what America was built upon is crumbling away bit by bit and we cannot afford to stand by idly watching.

Well crap now I am in a foul mood and I have to get back to work :mad::censored:
My Son-in-law is a history teacher, and I can honestly say that he teaches American history, the good, the bad, and the ugly truth. He lets the students develop their own opinions, and not force his own upon them.
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