
what do you think? good or bad idea?


While at first glance it seems like a good idea, it ultimately will give the kid what they want, attention. Also, it seems likely that there will be those kids who think it's "cool" to be singled out in this fashion.

Given the convoluted thought process of teens and their inability to grasp the long term implications of their actions it could backfire. Sadly, I can see a scenario where this actually increases these sorts of threats, especially empty ones.
The little sob’s need some punishment to convince them of the error of their ways. One of the reasons this problem exists is because we’ve got a whole generation who’ve never been introduced to a leather strap applied appropriately to their derrière. The whole “time out” thing, and the “quit crying and Ill buy you something” philosophy may sound sweet, but it sure doesn’t teach the “quit crying or I’ll give you a Reason to cry” lesson.
i think as mentioned earlier, charge the parents as well, since the kid still lives at home, and post the parents pictures as well

let's get the whole family into an embarrassing situation.

at one time up these parts, and i do not know it it is still done, when a hooker was arrested, so was the "john", and he was paraded for pictures.