
What If the M16 Rifle Never Existed?

That’s why there is the FN FAL 😍😍😍
Who needs and M16 or 5.56 🙂


Then we would have had something else in a smaller caliber. The Sturmgewer 44 intermediate rifle with pistol grip and smaller cartridge were already existing and that concept really was going to take over modern warfare eventually. The M14, my opinion was never going to be a long term solution to that platform of weapons for the majority of soldiers. It did not go far enough to fill that concept being heavy and over powered still. Same issues were with the FN-Fal so neither would have been long term solutions eventually.

Just my opinion.
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I would have been quite happy if we stayed the course with the M14. Look at the variations available now (Standard, Scout, and Tanker). Different stock options, optics (Day and Night), aiming devices, flashlights, etc. I liked shooting the G3 when we competed for the German Marksmanship Badge.
I loved the M14 and the M1 carbine. Personally, I think Gen. Lemay was paid off to buy the M-16 (jam-a-matic) for the Air Force. Just my opinion.
Actually, he wanted the AR as a light weight rifle and ammo for aircrew survival packages, and to arm Air Police with a modern rifle to replace the M1 and M2 carbines the Air Police were using at the time. They did put some GAU5'S in some survival packs but ultimately even that was too bulky. He was a shooter. LeMay also wanted to arm his aircrews and Air Police with a custom 1911, but settled for the Model 15 revolver. The Army made their own choices. LeMay was a character for sure.
Hmm, my intro to the military involved my issue weapons that were a Colt 1911 for watch duty and the M-14 for Security Breach details. Replaced when I went into LE with a S&W 357 mag and 870 shotgun and they were replaced with a S&W 645 (659 for 2 months) and a Mini-14. Completed the career with a H&K USP in 45 with a Colt M-4... Fact is I didn't or haven't ever fired the standard M-16, although did acquire some surplus A-1s for the Teams in the early 2000's. Strange as the military is returning to larger calibers and bigger rifles with SIG. A good thing the DEI children will soon be replaced. The next generation of war fighters will need to hump heavier rounds and not that donut around their mid-section with piercings, as the M-4 will be relegated to where it started. Like the M-1 Carbine will do just fine in that role...
Actually, he wanted the AR as a light weight rifle and ammo for aircrew survival packages, and to arm Air Police with a modern rifle to replace the M1 and M2 carbines the Air Police were using at the time. They did put some GAU5'S in some survival packs but ultimately even that was too bulky. He was a shooter. LeMay also wanted to arm his aircrews and Air Police with a custom 1911, but settled for the Model 15 revolver. The Army made their own choices. LeMay was a character for sure.
If I’d a been a year older, I would have voted for him and Goldwater.