
What is 5.56 Green Tip Ammo? (M855 vs M193)

It depends, mainly on velocity (and armor level).

Level 3 plates are rated to stop .308 and 7.62x39 FMJ, but may not stop 5.56 M855 or M193, depending on their velocity. Additionally, lvl 3 steel plates may stop rounds that lvl 3 poly plates won’t—and M193 can defeat some plates that will stop M855, because M193 has more velocity. “3+” are supposed to stop M855 and M193, but only under a certain velocity...3100fps, I think, which may protect you at close range from a carbine (16”), but not a rifle (20”). I’ve seen this happen with AR500 steel gongs...you can shoot M193 out of carbines at them at 50 yards with no ill effects, but a 20” rifle will crater them.

So, at the end of the day...there’s no hard & fast rule where you can say definitely yes or no to it.

If you want to defeat most armor using those rounds? Use a rifle, not a carbine.

If you want to know what armor to buy to protect yourself? No easy answer, I suggest doing a lot more reasearch and deciding what threats you are concerned with, and go from there...my personal vest is level 3+ plates with level 3 soft armor backers...but I’m looking at getting some Hesco “Special Threat Rifle” stand alone plates, if I decide the juice is worth the squeeze.
Does the grain make a difference as I have seen some M193 listed as 55 Gr and other M193 listed as 62 Gr. Also seen some companies sell 77 Gr like Sig Sauer.