
What its all about

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Founding Member

Here's a great article, with life lessons applicable to just about anyone.
I binged watched a documentary on Amazon Prime today called Total war WW2. It gave some great insight to the politics and lead up to WW2 speaking the brutality and loss of life.
I've read a lot of books on WW2 and the brutality and loss of life, in individual battles, on both Fronts in Europe and in the Pacific are mind-numbing compared to conflicts since.

We are prosecuting troops for incidents that are really minor compared to what happened commonly in WW2.
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Big Difference..... Since WWII we no longer fight to win. Korea, stalemate, Vietnam lost 50K troops and pulled out, Middle East.... failed to finish... should have taken out Iran....
Now we have the NoKo issue and Iran terrorists.
Until we decide to WIN it won't change. Even worse.....
At home we have Socialist/Communists infiltrating our government unchecked. Our
Constitution is under attack from all sides. It's not going to get any better either.
Time to put the foot down and get it all stopped is drawing near... IMHO
I've read a lot of books on WW2 and the brutality and loss of life, in individual battles, on both Front in Europe and in the Pacific are mind-numbing compared to conflicts since.

We are prosecuting troops for incidents that are really minor compared to what happened commonly in WW2.
Only if everyone was educated in depth with this history, they may might have a different outlook on the value of their personal freedoms.
I've read a lot of books on WW2 and the brutality and loss of life, in individual battles, on both Front in Europe and in the Pacific are mind-numbing compared to conflicts since.

We are prosecuting troops for incidents that are really minor compared to what happened commonly in WW2.
Might I recommend the History Channel and NewsMax for excellent Doc's on WWII.
I have been fortunate to be raised by and known lots and lots of WWII Vets. WWI vets too.
Our Korean Vets and Vietnam vets didn't exactly have a walk in the park....... Middle East vets can
relate horror stories too.
Big Difference..... Since WWII we no longer fight to win. Korea, stalemate, Vietnam lost 50K troops and pulled out, Middle East.... failed to finish... should have taken out Iran....
Now we have the NoKo issue and Iran terrorists.
Until we decide to WIN it won't change. Even worse.....
At home we have Socialist/Communists infiltrating our government unchecked. Our
Constitution is under attack from all sides. It's not going to get any better either.
Time to put the foot down and get it all stopped is drawing near... IMHO
MacArthur wanted too keep going into Russia. My grandma told me that one of her brothers was a driver for Patton at one time! She had 4 brothers and all got called too duty. I'm not sure if any were in the same branch, but don't think any were usaf? I guess 2 had too have been!
If you get it, the "American Heroes Channel" (AHC (formerly the "Military" Channel), is excellence for documentaries on Wars and conflicts. WWII, Veitnam, Korean, Gulf, even some I saw on Grenada and Panama (Navy Seal operations etc.)
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