
What Next ?


Just saw a news story about people being upset because there's a 26 foot high statue of Marilyn Monroe in Palm Springs at the entrance to a park in her iconic pose from the movie The Seven Year Itch. Apparently some people are upset because from behind you can see she's wearing white underwear under her skirt and people actually started and signed a petition to have it moved because children may see it. Really ? I wish my life and the times we are living in and my only concern was and is a statue. I don't know who is worse in this the people who are offended or the people that are actually bowing down to them and having it moved.
That’s how it is with today’s younger generation, anything they themselves don’t like or offends them, they want it gone, just like our history, they want it all erased, they are weak minded people, this is how far our country has gone down the crap hole….
What REALLY offends me is people who are easily offended. People who have never had to deal with the real problems of life. I am afraid WWIII is the only thing that can straighten the snowflake mental derangement out.
They'll all surrender because they don't want get hurt, only to be imprisoned or killed outright.

That’s how it is with today’s younger generation, anything they themselves don’t like or offends them, they want it gone, just like our history, they want it all erased, they are weak minded people, this is how far our country has gone down the crap hole….
I have arguments daily with 20 somethings who think it would be great to be a socialist society because we would all be "even". I roll my eyes and tell them how ignorant they are. I try to explain how many died to get freedom from communism or socialism governments, their comeback is America could do it "better". They're effin brainwashed into believing that 💩. We're doomed if 💩 don't change within the education system and quick.
They'll all surrender because they don't want get hurt, only to be imprisoned or killed outright.

I have arguments daily with 20 somethings who think it would be great to be a socialist society because we would all be "even". I roll my eyes and tell them how ignorant they are. I try to explain how many died to get freedom from communism or socialism governments, their comeback is America could do it "better". They're effin brainwashed into believing that 💩. We're doomed if 💩 don't change within the education system and quick.
Given the state of our political system, the only realistic solution is home-schooling.
What REALLY offends me is people who are easily offended. People who have never had to deal with the real problems of life. I am afraid WWIII is the only thing that can straighten the snowflake mental derangement out.
Offended? That is getting the shzt beaten out of you in grade school, then middle school when It's not your fault. Growing up is dealing with it and becoming strong, learning how to fight, not just with fists etc but with words. Sometimes you stand your ground (literally or in an arguement) and sometimes it is just walking away and leaving them to their false beliefs and bad attitudes. Wisdom is knowing which approach to take and why. IMHO
Offended? That is getting the shzt beaten out of you in grade school, then middle school when It's not your fault. Growing up is dealing with it and becoming strong, learning how to fight, not just with fists etc but with words. Sometimes you stand your ground (literally or in an arguement) and sometimes it is just walking away and leaving them to their false beliefs and bad attitudes. Wisdom is knowing which approach to take and why. IMHO
And carry a .45