
Where Are You From?

Model 457

Three questions. Perhaps we'll all learn something interesting.

1) Where are you from? - Maryland
2) Where are you now? - Oregon
3) Where do you want to be and why? - We originally moved to Oregon in hopes of setting up a small (and I do mean small) home ranch. Because our food supply has become so polluted, we wanted to grow small crops, fruit bearing trees, have a few chickens, and raise an annual Hereford and a hog for butchering. We wanted to fish and hunt and basically live off the land the way god intended. However, We've learned Oregon is going the same direction as California so now we're looking into Wyoming, Montana, or perhaps Idaho.
Michigan born and live. Michigan is a good place to live Climate wise. Not to hot in summer, not too cold in winter. We get snow storms and tornadoes but not as many tornadoes as other places and I will take snow and a few tornadoes over hurricanes or bone melting heat.

Politically it's fairly middle of the road not too bad in either direction usually. Generally considered democrat in the more metro areas and republican in rural.

Certainly do not worry about water. Hunting is good, plenty of outdoors to enjoy.

That said, if something occurs to wife. I will likely buy a van or small motor home and live in it traveling.
I suggest you study the varied conditions that each state has, and everything in the Interior west revolves around elevation, aspect & available moisture..

Wyoming = cold, windy, remote & dry

Idaho = southern 1/3 same as WY, eastern 1/4 wetter but cold, Panhandle Region wetter like west OR but is expensive. The Clearwater Region likely is the mildest.

Montana = expensive, plus like the others there are a variety of climatic conditions with the east-side being cold & dry vs. wetter west-side, but the whole state has been discovered. The lower Clark Fork area is the mildest climate.

Be prepared to drive alot to get anywhere in all three states.

There's always trade-offs in the Interior West.

My .02
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Answer to all 3 is Texas and add #4 on burial on staying. Texas has everything that nearly all the other states have (desert, mountains. Palm trees/beaches, humidity, forest, lush grasslands and a fair amount of lakes) w/o as much political as for now. We don't get as much snow as we used to and wish we did so the land would benefit from. Also cuts down on insects and pests on crops.
Born in Omaha. Left 3 weeks after I turned 18.

Currently in Colorado Springs.

If it was up to me I'd want to live in Northwestern Wyoming.

But I seem destined to live out my days on The Goat Ranch in eastern El Paso County.


My wife and I have decided that once we're there, we will not be going east (Correction we will be living East of Highway 24.) We won't be going WEST of hiway 24unless it is absolutely necessary.
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1) - Grew up in Southern IL - Olney - 4 hrs South of Chicago and 2.6 hrs east of St. Louis.
2) - Currently in Tempe, AZ
3) - I am pretty good where I'm at. 1 yr from retirement. Great 2A friendly state - urban and rural opportunities at different elevations/zones. No hurricanes, earthquakes, or alligators. 2nd choice - East Tennessee (Vols fan for life, Smokey Mountains, 2A friendly).
Answer to all 3 is Texas and add #4 on burial on staying. Texas has everything that nearly all the other states have (desert, mountains. Palm trees/beaches, humidity, forest, lush grasslands and a fair amount of lakes) w/o as much political as for now. We don't get as much snow as we used to and wish we did so the land would benefit from. Also cuts down on insects and pests on crops.

With all due respect bro, what you got in Texas are not mountains.

If anyone's interested, the plain that those elk are standing on is 10,000 ft in elevation.
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I suggest you study the varied conditions that each state has, and everything in the Interior west revolves around elevation, aspect & available moisture..

Wyoming = cold, windy, remote & dry

Idaho = southern 1/3 same as WY, eastern 1/4 wetter but cold, Panhandle Region wetter like west OR but is expensive. The Clearwater Region likely is the mildest.

Montana = expensive, plus like the others there are a vaiety of climatic conditions with the east-side being cold & dry vs. wetter west-side but has been discovered. The lower Clark Fork area is the mildest climate.

There's always trade-offs in the Interior West.

My .02
Thank you for your 2¢! We do quite a bit of investigation and also have friends living in all of the aforementioned states. Our decision will likely take years to finalize. So far Wyoming seems to be the front runner for a variety of reasons. My sister has 10 acres in Eastern Washington right on the border with Post Falls Idaho. She and my brother-in-law have essentially accomplished my end goal. Washington unfortunately is becoming more and more California-like on a daily basis (mainly firearm laws). She plans to move on when things become intolerable.
born north east texas (pittsburg)
left right after high school
lived in north florida (navy)
live in north east texas now , not pittsburg, but not a urban crowded freak zone . we have more cows than people
and folks wave and say hi, howdy, good morning, good afternoon, sir and ma am.
we even got a walmart :eek::alien:
and a whataburger near

retirement spot sort of happened, we had not planned to return here, but the planets aligned and here we are
if we move again its north west Louisiana, wayyy up north round shreveport :ROFLMAO:
AH-HA! County boy. That explains a lot ;)
Maine. Still here. Why? "If you could buy a Gray Hound bus ticket with food stamps, we would all be out of here" Tim Sample Maine humorist. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I picked potatoes in grades 4-6th to help farmers bring in the crop.
School was not in session for 3 weeks in the fall so farmers could hire us to pick. .50 cents a barrel we got paid. This was mid-later 70’s.
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1) - Grew up in Southern IL - Olney - 4 hrs South of Chicago and 2.6 hrs east of St. Louis.
2) - Currently in Tempe, AZ
3) - I am pretty good where I'm at. 1 yr from retirement. Great 2A friendly state - urban and rural opportunities at different elevations/zones. No hurricanes, earthquakes, or alligators. 2nd choice - East Tennessee (Vols fan for life, Smokey Mountains, 2A friendly).
home of the white Squirrels. (y)