
Where Forcible Felonies fit in Lawful Self Defense

Exactly why Florida is lucky to have this book, written by a prominent retired self-defense lawyer and specific to our State. Every state has weird in’s and out’s to their laws and you’ve got to at the very very least familiarize yourself with them. Glad you posted this because I haven’t reread it this year.
Pennsylvania also has a state specific book, "Pennsylvania Gun Law, Armed and Educated", co-written by prominent 2nd Amendment attorney Michael Giaramita, who has litigated many high profile 2nd Amendment cases. He also speaks at training seminars for US Law Shield, where I've learned a lot, and is an avid participant in shooting sports for many years.
Texas Law Shield has published Texas Gun Law: Armed and Educated for the past few years. It's an excellent resource for those looking for specific information about the law. Unfortunately, I worry that many DA's in the blue cities in Texas are not above sending something to a Grand Jury under the guise of it being "unreasonable" if it involves a civilian using a gun to protect property. Even with the letter of the law allowing deadly force to protect property in certain situations, I still plan to limit my use of firearms to situations where it is immediately necessary to protect innocent life.