
Why Every Handgun Owner Should Own a Pistol Caliber Carbine


Founding Member
Pistol caliber carbines (PCCs) combine stability of carbines with light recoil of pistol cartridges. They are versatile for home defense, competition, and recreation. Should you own one?

I’m the oddball I like my Marlin 1894c in 357 Mag over a 9mm AR type.

That said if someone would come up with a 45 acp carbine that took S&W M&P or HK 45 Mags I’d probably have to have it!

I like how my CMMG, in .45ACP, looks and shoots. It's damn accurate, felt recoil is much less than firing a .45ACP pistol, and it holds a LOT more rounds than a .45ACP pistol.

I like my .45ACP pistols but when you want to reach out a bit more to double tap the bad guy, this ain't a bad way to go.

I like how my CMMG, in .45ACP, looks and shoots. It's damn accurate, felt recoil is much less than firing a .45ACP pistol, and it holds a LOT more rounds than a .45ACP pistol.

I like my .45ACP pistols but when you want to reach out a bit more to double tap the bad guy, this ain't a bad way to go.

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Nice I’m not against a CMMG I just really like the look of the Marlin Camp carbine with wood stock and I’d be ok with 1911 mags however Singke stacks aren’t the cool factor in rifles these days!
Try as I might, over the years, I still haven't been able to make myself by a PCC.
I got into guns with Hi Point, my first was their 9MM. Of course, you can't know Hi Points without knowing about their carbines. I actually have a friend who just bought one, and it is actually really fun to shoot, plenty accurate at reasonable distances, and of course cheap.

I have shot a few other carbines.

I do like them. And I like the cost of handgun ammo over rifle ammo.

But, if I need to shoot something the size of a rilfe, then I want a rifle caliber.

I can see having one just for fun and someday I probably will get one. I just haven't been ready yet

Maybe soon?
Try as I might, over the years, I still haven't been able to make myself by a PCC.
I got into guns with Hi Point, my first was their 9MM. Of course, you can't know Hi Points without knowing about their carbines. I actually have a friend who just bought one, and it is actually really fun to shoot, plenty accurate at reasonable distances, and of course cheap.

I have shot a few other carbines.

I do like them. And I like the cost of handgun ammo over rifle ammo.

But, if I need to shoot something the size of a rilfe, then I want a rifle caliber.

I can see having one just for fun and someday I probably will get one. I just haven't been ready yet

Maybe soon?
Just get a SP5/AP5 and brace it (or SBR it).

Let the Nimrod flow through you.
I gripe about them, and say things like “If I’m bothering with carrying a rifle it might as well be in a rifle caliber”, but the truth is I have a few. Enough to cover the usual calibers.
I reluctantly admit to seeing some points to them.

I always keep a long gun in my vehicle, usually a rifle. Returning to motorcycles several years ago caused me to think about a PCC. I bought a Ruger PC9 when they came out because when taken down, it fit in a saddlebag without eating up all the space.
If I’m in desperate need for a gun while riding, I may be down and injured, so a PCC may be about the easiest gun to handle and shoot in such a case.

They are so much easier to shoot than a pistol. Now and then when I’m at the range doing pistol work, I’ll take out a PCC. I can be practicing something all day with a handgun and get fair at it, but the first attempt with the PCC beats it handily. It’s just so much easier.

Some people get excited over ballistic advantages in a PCC, but this varies by cartridge. The 9mm and 45ACPs don’t gain much velocity considering they have at least triple the barrel length of a pistol.
The 357, 41, and 44 Magnums plus the 45 Colt are different animals. They do get a pretty fair boost in a carbine. They can be pretty impressive.

Something I’ve thought more about recently is a PCC for in-home use. I like a handy carbine for home defense, and always kept a .223 around. But the noise and blast of a .223 is tremendous with any amount of enclosure. In a house, it must be awful. I’ve shot them from cars with the windows busted out and hated it. A 9mm carbine would be so much gentler on the senses. Even one of the magnums would be better.
I know- get a supressor. I am a suppressor fan and owner, but they add length, and this is a case where that matters a lot.
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Try as I might, over the years, I still haven't been able to make myself by a PCC.
I got into guns with Hi Point, my first was their 9MM. Of course, you can't know Hi Points without knowing about their carbines. I actually have a friend who just bought one, and it is actually really fun to shoot, plenty accurate at reasonable distances, and of course cheap.

I have shot a few other carbines.

I do like them. And I like the cost of handgun ammo over rifle ammo.

But, if I need to shoot something the size of a rilfe, then I want a rifle caliber.

I can see having one just for fun and someday I probably will get one. I just haven't been ready yet

Maybe soon?
The nice thing about a HiPoint is, after a shoot, when the popo confiscate your weapon, they arent taking much. Like my Browning HP, 1911, or even a Glock.
That said, in the unlikely case of home invasion, I'm ready to let fly with an AR, Mossie 500, or one 9mm or another. Apparently gangs of armed illegals are doing the invasion thing in Denver area, while that's an unlikely scenario here in our lil town, we are seeing increasing numbers of foreigners in the stores locally.. Ya never know...
I'm not going to get into any arguments over the merits of the PCC.
All i'm saying is......
I enjoy the crap out of mine. just the history of the MP5 (AP5) and the ease of build for a 9mm AR and the familiarity of the controls. A while lotta fun and I would not want to be shot by one.

Angstadt Arms - with upgrades -


AP5s -

and the complete build -