
Why Red Dots Might Beat Irons — Understanding the Effects of Parallax

I know that whether to red dot is still a pretty polarizing subject but explaining parallax on a red dot is really key to explaining the strength of the red dot. A lot of newbies try to translate what they know with iron sights and have their dot perfectly centered in the window. When you have time that’s perfectly valid, but under pressure you may not have that extra moment. I actually train shooting with my dot sitting on the extreme edges of my red dot because my own experience in tactical courses is that as well composed as I might think I am things rarely go to plan and a lot of dot chasing is done. As long as that dot is on target, regardless of where it is in the window, that’s where the bullet is going.
I'll have to try this test on the RD's that I have. Good to know your equipment.
For me I still like my front night sight better. My practice w/ rd is limited. However, I carried conceal with 2 sig 365's. One w/ rd & one w/out. I practice drawing from conceal in my home ( yes, safely). The problem I found was when I stepped into a dark room. The rd can collect a lot of lint from your clothing. That combined w/ the red light makes it very difficult if not impossible to see anything thru the glass. With front night sight, no problem seeing target (assumeing there is enough light in room to see anything at all and no time for eyes to adjust). Place front sight on target and shoot. So now I just carry the sig w/ front night sight. Note: My eyes are 62 years old.
Great article/video, having to keep the dote centered in the window to get accurate shots was something I thought about so it’s good to know the dot can be outside that center point and still be on target.

Something I wanted to share, currently I don’t carry “on a regular basis” my red dot mounted handgun and often don’t handle it for close to a week at a time. When I do I always find it very difficult to find the dot in the glass. However after less then a minute of practice drawing from a holster or picking the gun up from a table my muscle memory kicks in and I’m right on center of glass, I find this encouraging that when I do start rotating this gun into my EDC I will be confident that I’ll be right on target when needed.
The Holosun has also been spectacular with its shake awake. Always wakes up as soon as I move the gun.
I’m glad I pulled the trigger on this setup.
Great article/video, having to keep the dote centered in the window to get accurate shots was something I thought about so it’s good to know the dot can be outside that center point and still be on target.

Something I wanted to share, currently I don’t carry “on a regular basis” my red dot mounted handgun and often don’t handle it for close to a week at a time. When I do I always find it very difficult to find the dot in the glass. However after less then a minute of practice drawing from a holster or picking the gun up from a table my muscle memory kicks in and I’m right on center of glass, I find this encouraging that when I do start rotating this gun into my EDC I will be confident that I’ll be right on target when needed.
The Holosun has also been spectacular with its shake awake. Always wakes up as soon as I move the gun.
I’m glad I pulled the trigger on this setup.

That to me is the main thing about red dots on carry pistols. You need to train pretty much only with that gun. It helps to train relentlessly on your draw, but putting that last little hink in there ( whatever you gotta do with your wrist to have the gun come up naturally with your dot in the window) is very likely going to be specific to that pistol.
That to me is the main thing about red dots on carry pistols. You need to train pretty much only with that gun. It helps to train relentlessly on your draw, but putting that last little hink in there ( whatever you gotta do with your wrist to have the gun come up naturally with your dot in the window) is very likely going to be specific to that pistol.
I do understand what your saying and should have added that when I do pick up the gun more often I’m more inclined to find the dot immediately. Definitely a muscle memory thing.
I’m carrying it today.