I have tried one with a Wilson at my club and personslly do not find enough difference to swap. Actually if pressed i would say the remaining feels better to me.Honestly, why should I change P365 to Wilson Combat module. Are there any advantages. Does it make that much of a difference.
I totally agree with this. The Wilson Combat grip module on my P320 (no longer own) with a much greater improvement over the OEM than the same difference in my P365s.Haven't held a wilson 365 but the wilson 320 module is a big improvement over the original.
i have the P320, and someone here mentioned the Wilson module, which i bought, along with the weight kit.Honestly, why should I change P365 to Wilson Combat module. Are there any advantages. Does it make that much of a difference.
i cannot speak of the others here, but my body frame makes it difficult to conceal a larger pistol.Frankly I don’t “get” the whole “larger grip” thing (XL, Macro). I KNOW they’ll be easier to shoot, but since in my experience the grip is the hardest part of the gun to conceal, why not just go with a larger pistol with the larger grip AND longer barrel/slide? Longer sight radius usually makes it easier to hit with.
Me too, but for ME the hardest part to hide is the gripi cannot speak of the others here, but my body frame makes it difficult to conceal a larger pistol.