
Why should I change P365 grip module

(P365XL) I picked them up to try due to a black Friday sale. They do feel a little fatter than the OEM grip module and there is more bite in the texture. However, I do not necessarily prefer them over the OEM - I.e. if you told me I had to go back to OEM, I'd be ok with that too. Not a ridiculous price if one wants to give the Wilson a try. For me this is also hobby - so I'm always chasing something to try.

When I purchased my standard P365 380, I knew the 2 10 round flush mags would too short for my XL hands after having shot one at the range. I purchased 2 12 round mags for carry which enabled a full grip. Then I discovered the Full Grip Baseplates from Tactical Development for the 10 round mags which gave me the same size grip as the 12 round mags which I now use for the range and for reciprocity carry, if permitted, in the 10 round limit states. I didn't want to increase the grip size any further than this, as the pistol is primarily for warm weather carry with ease of concealment. This setup works, at least for me. YMMV.
Because of thise thread I looked at my P365xl and another guys p365xl with a larger wilson grip Last night just to give it another chance. Tried them for grip for draw and shot one magazine and honestly I like the original better in my hand the added size of the grip is to me more of a distraction and shifts my trigger experience enough that I think I shoot the factory grip better. But that's a very small comparison sample and could easily be explained as shooting someone else firearm and sight arrangement.

As it comes stock I find the P365xl to be one of the most comfortable and best shooting striker pistols I have tried.
Frankly I don’t “get” the whole “larger grip” thing (XL, Macro). I KNOW they’ll be easier to shoot, but since in my experience the grip is the hardest part of the gun to conceal, why not just go with a larger pistol with the larger grip AND longer barrel/slide? Longer sight radius usually makes it easier to hit with.
i cannot speak of the others here, but my body frame makes it difficult to conceal a larger pistol.