
Wilson Combat Division 77 Project


While Wilson Combat makes some nice guns spending about 3.4 grand for saving a 0.01 split time or to save a second in split times over a Glock 19 M&P of SA Eschilon is crazy to me

A bit more than 3.4 grand…no thanks…I’ll just hang on to my EDCx9 circa 2019…

If you compete, and seriously compete…those fractions of a second are the difference between winning & losing.

And Wilson’s are simply sublime. I really like that. With the exception of the gold accents.
While mechanically yea in reality not a lot of shooters have that ability as the top shooters are already pressing it. And iver a 10-13 stage nationals if they do everything right maybe but anyone that shoots knows that can be taken away in one stage oops!

Sort of like people that complain the cycle time is faster on a Berwtta 1301 vs an A300 Patrol….most mortals that are not Jerry Miculek are that fast to benefit!
When you can afford the top, the bottom will come along shortly as well. Just saying
I use to shoot weekly bowling pin matches and a lot of those guys got so into it they bought some staccatos and high end CZ’s or Mclirin 1911 and a couple had Les Baer and Wilson’s .

The majority would have been better off sticking to their Colt Competition 1911 or Glock, Sig whatever and bought some cases of ammo and a lesson from some of our USPSA guys here.

I mean their money and not my business just an observation but this was all these dudes did they never shot IDPA or USPSA

But I guess having cool gear is part of it LOL