Anyone have a line on a threaded barrel for the original XD .40?
Been looking for awhile and haven’t found anything. Help much appreciated.
Been looking for awhile and haven’t found anything. Help much appreciated.
Yes I googled it prior to posting.Have you tried googling it?
Because the very first hit for “XD .40 Threaded Barrel” gave BarSto’s site, with the very thing you are looking for...
EFK also has them.
No one would make a drop in fit either. It's best to have the barrel's fitted to the slide for best performance.“Milled out”, no...some fitting, yes...which makes them quite accurate. It’s not terribly difficult.
You didn’t specify drop in.
Thank you for your actual help and not the condescending replies like the other guy who apparently need to feel superior to someone on a thread asking for help. I do appreciate it.No one would make a drop in fit either. It's best to have the barrel's fitted to the slide for best performance.
I have purchased a .40S&W threaded barrel for my XD Mod.2 from Barsto. I fitted it myself and the accuracy is indeed better. Took about 5 min of filing down some metal to fit.
You can even take it to a qualified gunsmith or send the slide to Barsto and they can fit it for you also.