
XD-S Mod 2 9mm - 2 questions


I think this will be my new edc - much lighter than my 1911 .45.
The trigger is very different. I am used to the short, crisp 1911 trigger and the XD-S unit is very long pull before break. Is there a fix?
I also have old eyes and would like to go with fiber optic sights, front and rear. They need not be adjustable. Recommendations?
Some striker gun triggers are better than others. HK, Walther, come to mind. But they all suck compared to hammer guns. And especially compared to a 1911 trigger. I know Apex and some others make a kit for the XD line. But nothing that's gonna get you anywhere close to a good trigger. I guess it's a trade off...
^ Agreed w/ @Frank 2041 - it's just gonna be different, @SubChaser ...it's going to take a bit of re-training that trigger path, no matter what aftermarket trigger you go with. The overall characteristics of the trigger path will simply be different from your 1911's.

In terms of sights, I'm very partial to Dawson Precision as they are extremely responsive to C/S inquiries. Even if what you want is not listed, there is a chance they can still run it for you. I would not hesitate to give them an email or call.
When I shoot my Mod 2 (or any striker-fired pistol) I fire the first round and then let off until I hear/feel that little click of the sear (???) re-engaging so that the next pull is super short. Might help.