
XDMAN Special Projects Division sneak peek


Self appointed Chief Armorer
Staff member
A sneak peek at what the XDMAN special projects division is up to. I went old school back to pencil, paper and markers. Its been a while since I put pencil to paper, made copies, tracings revisions etc like that. The goal was to get something close, enough that you would recognize what I am doing but also stay out of copyright jail. Then moved the design into digital and did some further cleaning and get it ready for paint. [/insert joke: funny level 10] Rarely to you get the opportunity to get a glimpse into the mind of of Genius [/end joke]. So you get to see sort of the evolution of my work and thinking and how I do things to hopefully end up with something unique and cool. Added some pics of my inspirations. Thanks to Blount County Tactical and F5MFG

Now the next current decision.......Do I do a high Gloss candy super clean finish or do I do a distressed version. My wife seems to think that the distressed would look better.

And the F5 Can Launcher, total giggle factory.




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I would go with the distressed look. So it looked like it was around for awhile and well used not new. And you get credit with the wife.