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New member and new gun owner. Just recently got my hands on a 308 saint victor pistol. Any ideas on set ups? Thanks! Haha also got to mention this.. I’m ****ing loving that 308 😂
Be very careful if you get a forearm brace. The ATF is less than trustworthy when it comes to their approvals. If you can get one with a post on the end of the brace so it cannot ever be considered as a "shoulder stock". Outside of that, practice, practice, practice. Wolf, Barnaul, and Tula make about the best cheap new .308 but make sure your range will let you use steel cased ammo.
New member I own 8 firearms one shot gun in a 12 gauge one lever action Henry in 22 magnum Springfield 1911 in a45 Smith Wesson in a 38 model 640 and mp shied 40 and ruger 22lr and beretta 92fs and a heritage 22/22 magnum single action cowboy gun that’s all for now
New member here: Currently own 12 handguns + a box of holsters. latest addition is hellcat osp. All are in either .380, 9mm, or .45. I figure if the **** ever really hits the fan. Those three calibers are the most common throughout the world, and should be the easiest to find. Also have 10 rifles.
New Member here: I am the owner of a Springfield Hellcat OSP. Will the KIARSWE Laser Boresighter work with this gun?
This got posted to your profile not the main forum. Try making a new post in the gear section.
New member.... Thanks for the add.
New member here have owned several pistols and now an avid gun lover. Currently own a DDm4 v7, a rock river arms setup, a Baretta 84fs cheetah, a clock 19 g4, a .22 revolver single shot, And a hellcat osp.
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Nice collection. Fun when getting them. Pain when cleaning.
Patriot Tin-Can Sailor Vet
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." ~Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.
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"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." --Thomas Jefferson
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ~Abraham Lincoln
Thank you for your service! Welcome aboard sailor!
Hi, new here...I just got a Hellcat and am having hard time with the slide, any suggestions?
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Elaborate a little further. What do you mean you are having a hard time with the slide? What is going on?
gripping the slide problem / or / to stiff spring ? /
Recently retired Electric Vehicle Technician.
I also had 16 years in the elastomeric molding field as a Molding and Machinery Engineer.
Currently living in the Puget Sound region of Western Washington State, 40 miles South of the Canadian border.
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Yes, the British were rightfully scared of it. Having said that, the Zulu brought a knife to gunfight.💂
If the British had access to a few Gatling guns, their defeats at the hands of the Impi warriors would never have occurred...like Custer's failure of imagination...
greetings y'all .....newb to the forum
I just got a ruger lcp 22 i love it. Why do people say it not good for conceal carry? I am new fo all this.
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Congrats on the purchase Kandy, enjoy it. Most carry at least a 9mm that has greater reliability and stopping power that a 22lr. A 22lr can stop a threat, but you may need to fire it more than a 9mm and location of hits is of greater importance.
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If you love what you shoot you will most likely have it with you. Two well placed rounds with a 22LR will stop most threats. May not knock them off their feet, but it will stop them.
I always think what you carry on you is better than what you left at the house. If the rim fired 22lr makes you feel comfortable, then do it. I had a LCP II 22lr and experienced some difficulty with what ammo it preferred. Go through several different kinds of ammo before making that decision to EDC that LCPII 22lr. Best of luck.


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