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can you use the screws that come with the shield s m s c to mount it on the hellcat or do you need the ones from Springfield seem a video and said not to use the ones that come with the shield
Lock n' Load
While waiting for my Shield RMSc to be delivered, I bought the screws from Springfield just to be safe. They arrived in a few days. The install was easy with a little drop of blue Loctite on each screw and the optic is on firmly with no looseness after about 800 rounds. Torque to the 15.49 psi Shield recommends and you're good to go. You may have to cut the screws supplied with the Shield optic if you use them.
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I used the screws included with the smsc. Remember not to over-tighten and check for pistol function (unloaded) after install. Make sure the slide moves freely and trigger functions as before. As Locknload said you can get a set from Springfield for $5 too.
Screws should be
M4 x .07 x 7.5mm
Lock n' Load
Thanks OkiePewPew! Glad to hear you got the right screws. I read so many posts on the forum about having to cut the Shield supplied screws that I bought the Springfield screws to avoid that. For $5, it was worth it to me for peace of mind.
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Brand new to this forum, but not to Springfield Armory. Own a rifle (SOCOM 16) and a pistol 1911 in .45 acp. Love them both. Thank you for accepting me to your forum.
Just bought xd9 and only came with soft pouch. Shouldn’t it come with a hard case?
SA seems to have switched to cardboard /w soft pouch VS previous hard case. Not sure if it's all of their firearms, but my last few were this way.
My XDM Elite came with soft pouch.
I got a hard case if you want one.
Hey I see you’re a mod and you replied to my post about the hatebrake but you just showed a pic of the standard one ... I have one ... I need the one the comes on the saint edge pdw
Ah, gotcha. The standard Hatebrake is all you’re going to find. Springfield’s is mfg special for the PDW and they don’t sell parts. I have heard that there’s enough material there to shave down the faces for a smaller hand guard but no one has pics to prove it’s actually been done. Not that I’ve seen at least. You might check to see if there’s a Maxim defense fan page on Facebook or check with the FB Saint page.
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How’s the weather ?? It’s raining pretty good in AL
Denny Giacobe
Hi People I'm new here and new to gun owing, But I have been photographing fire arms for the past 6 years for a few gun magazines 2 years ago I did the cover for Gun World for October, I now am on staff with Athlon Outdoors and have a 3 page spread in August Tactical Life Magazine.
Denny G
Denny Giacobe
How do I dost pictures?
Did you get this figured out? The profile posts are buried in the forum so they don’t often get answered. Let me know if I can help. Welcome to the forum.
Has anyone else been having problems with the Springfield Saint Victor 300 Blackout jamming? I just purchased this firearm brand new and immediately I began having these issues my first time shooting it.
Well Mr.Brooklyn, it sounds like it may be tuning the gas block as a potential fix for your issue, but before doing that, depending on what 300 BO ammo you're using.
Try what Keystone19250 suggests by trying supersonic heavy loads (vs 300BO SubSonic) and see what you experience with that. It always easier to try different ammo first than tune if issues, or going to sub-sonic rounds.
If you run a suppressor, then tuning the Gas Block may be necessary. Let us know in the forum your progress, as I'm interested as having the same Saint Victor platform. Good luck.
Does anyone have the Trijicon Acog 3.5x35.. made for the 308. If so, how do you like it, I am looking to get one soon.