Editor’s Note: This video series is a special presentation from Panteao Productions, providing The Armory Life with an excerpted series of videos from its “Make Ready with Hilton Yam: 1911 Duty Tune”. Stay tuned every other Sunday over the coming weeks to see each new installment, and there is a link at the bottom of the page to a special subscription promo from Panteao Productions for you. So, be sure to check it out!
This video is the first of the series. You can view the other parts using the following links:
- Part 2: Fieldstripping & Teardown Tips
- Part 3: Polishing & Prepping
- Part 4: Fitting & Tuning
- Part 5: More Fitting & Tuning
- Part 6: Final Tuning & Test Firing

In this first excerpt from “Make Ready with Hilton Yam: 1911 Duty Tune”, we dive into the first three excerpted chapters of the video. In this video, we get to meet Hilton Yam, learn a bit about his background, and what you should come to expect from this segmented series of videos on tuning the 1911.
Yam has an impressive background with the 1911, being the founder and owner of the renowned 10-8 Performance. Yam had a career of more than 20 years with the FBI, and has a long history/background of carrying the 1911.

In addition, he started shooting the 1911 in the 1980s shooting IPSC competition. In both his law enforcement and competition activities, he soon learned what he did and did not like about the 1911 pistols he was using, and began tinkering with the design to get it just the way he wanted it. By 2000, he was building his own guns, and also building a reputation for his work.
In this video excerpt, Yam lays out his plan for this video, going over the tuning process for the 1911. He points out early that this is not to teach you how to build a $6,000 custom gun, but rather how the “average shooter” can take his 1911 and tweak and tune it to his specific needs.

In the video, he uses a Springfield Armory Range Officer Operator 1911 pistol as the foundation for this project. He points out that the pistol is ideal for this type of work as it is a high-quality gun that gives you a lot of nice features, but is also very affordable. As a result, it’s a gun that the average guy can afford, and is a great platform for customizing on a budget.
So, check out the video introduction above, and be sure to stay tuned over the coming Sundays to see each new installment!
Editor’s Note: Please be sure to check out The Armory Life Forum, where you can comment about our daily articles, as well as just talk guns and gear. Click the “Go To Forum Thread” link below to jump in and discuss this article and much more!