Editor’s Note: This video series is a special presentation from Panteao Productions, providing The Armory Life with an excerpted series of videos from its “Make Ready with Hilton Yam: 1911 Duty Tune”. Stay tuned over the next several Sundays to see each new installment, and there is a link at the bottom of the page to a special subscription promo for you. So, be sure to check it out!
This video is the fifth of the series. You can view the other parts using the following links:
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Fieldstripping & Teardown Tips
- Part 3: Polishing & Prepping
- Part 4: Fitting & Tuning
- Part 6: Final Tuning & Test Firing
In this fifth excerpt from “Make Ready with Hilton Yam: 1911 Duty Tune”, we take a look at the next five sections that cover fitting the magazine catch, setting the trigger weight, installing the safety, considering how an ambi safety differs, and fitting a magwell.

The Catch
First up, Yam takes a close look at fitting the magazine catch of the 1911, and ensuring a proper fit. He considers how it needs to interface with the magazine, how to get it into the frame, and then how to tune its fit.
Next up is setting the trigger pull weight, and checking the trigger fitment. Yam gives you the tips to get just the right pull for your trigger, and then moves on to setting overtravel. He points out that most people think that practically no overtravel is best, but he feels that is not correct.

Safety First
Next on deck for Yam is installing the safety. He touches on the pertinent points for proper fitting and function, and points out that he feels a strong-side-only safety is the best option — that is, unless you are “wrong-handed.” However, he leaves the choice up to the shooter.
He also touches on how ambidextrous safeties work, how they function, and how to install them. He also considers the role of grip panels with this subject, and how they can affect the equation.

Is More, Better?
Last up, Yam considers the importance of the magazine well, and whether you will simply want a beveled magwell or to add on an extended and flared magwell for more functionality. To his mind, the add-on magwell adds on minimal weight and bulk, but makes fast reloads much easier.

So, check out the video above, and be sure to stay tuned next Sunday for the final installment!
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