LOK Grips and the SA-35

By Justin Opinion
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LOK Grips and the SA-35

February 21st, 2022

3 minute read

One of the easiest ways to personalize, upgrade and preserve a handgun is to replace the stock grip panels with new ones. Of course, this applies to pistols that have grip panels in the traditional sense — of which, thankfully, there are still plenty.

LOK Grips on a Springfield SA-35 pistol
The new colors, patterns and curves offered by LOK Grips can completely change the look and feel of your pistol, like this Springfield Armory SA-35.

One of the newest guns on the market is just such a gun, and it is all the rage – the Springfield SA-35 pistol. The grips I’m reviewing to illustrate my point are made by LOK Grips — a Michigan company that creates high-quality grip panels for a wide variety of pistols, in an even wider variety of designs, colors, materials and options.


LOK Grips for the SA-35
The Springfield SA-35 is a modern classic and makes a superb canvas for personalization with LOK Grips.

Of the reasons I listed for changing your grips, the first was to personalize the gun. I believe this is the most common reason most folks change out the panels. Whether it is just to make a color statement or to proudly display your favorite 2A credo, once you swap out those grips there is a good chance that no one else’s gun will look exactly like yours anymore.


LOK Grips on Springfield SA-35 pistol
These modern LOK Grips look like they belong on the Springfield SA-35, and offer a “Coke bottle” palm swell and dark color pattern.

The next most common reason to swap out those stock panels for a new set is to upgrade the quality or performance. Not all grip panels are created equal, and even amongst good quality grips there are personal preferences. You might want a more aggressive texture to bite into the skin for a combat grip – or, you may find the standard grips too uncomfortable for casual shooting, and want something smoother.

You can even get a completely different shape to the grips, which can literally transform the way the gun feels in your hand.

These extremes and everything in between are what LOK provides its customers.


Not as many people think of this reason, and it’s clearly not the most common — but a very good reason to change the grips on your pistol is to preserve the originals. This clearly makes sense if you own a vintage gun and want to shoot and handle it without causing wear or damage to the grip panels – some of which can command hundreds of dollars in and of themselves. Resale price on whatever gun you might sell in the future will be higher if the original factory stocks look like new.

LOK Grips color patterns
Precision-designed and precision cut on modern CNC machinery, LOK Grips products are top quality.

Whatever your motivation for changing the grips on your pistol, you’ll likely find what you need – even if you didn’t know you needed it – at LOK Grips. The number of colors and styles is a bit mind-bending, and in addition to the ever-popular G10 material, you’ll find products made from some unusual sources — like solid brass!


New LOK grips on your gun are a great way to accomplish all of the above – personalize, upgrade and improve performance, and preserve your favorite handguns. And it doesn’t hurt that they are great conversation starters at the range!

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Justin Opinion

Justin Opinion

“Justin Opinion” is a lifelong firearms enthusiast and shooter. The son of a master gunsmith, he makes no claims to such skills but has a deep appreciation for the skillful work of the men and women who design and build great guns. A certified instructor and range safety officer who enjoys the shooting sports, he uses his experiences and those of his friends to apply a real-world perspective to reviews. The Justin Opinion Channel can be found on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, and his reviews can also be found at GunsAmerica and American Handgunner.

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