Pulled Over While Carrying – Part 2

By Ivan Gelo
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Pulled Over While Carrying – Part 2

June 26th, 2019

2 minute read

Many years ago, after a state-level USPSA match in Texas, some friends and I were driving back to Arizona in a caravan of two vehicles. While driving through one of many wide open, extremely long freeway stretches of Texas, I noticed a marked police vehicle on an overpass we were approaching. I looked down and also noted I was going about 11 miles over the posted speed limit on this wide open stretch of highway. I figured I was going to be paid a visit…

A few miles down the road the red and blue lights were suggesting that my friends and I pull over. The two-man police cruiser made the stop between our two vehicles, with each officer independently contacting each driver. 

I followed my own advice and did the following:

  • Remained seated
  • Rolled down the driver’s side window
  • Placed both hands visibly at top of steering wheel
  • Waited patiently for the officer

The officer approached my vehicle and indicated why he had stopped me, requested my license and then asked if there were any guns in the vehicle. After asking to retrieve my license and handing it to him, I told him that, “Yes, there are several firearms.”  He then stated that I would need to hand him these guns. I respectfully asked, “All of them?” He hesitated, and asked how many guns were in the car. I explained that we had just finished shooting a multi-day shooting competition and between the four of us there were about eight firearms. He then said not to reach for any of them and proceeded with the stop.

Advice followed, continued:

  • Was polite
  • Asked before reaching for my license
  • Disclosed the firearms in the car
  • Did NOT reach for firearms

During the stop, I looked through the rear view mirror, and to my amazement, I watched my friends in the other vehicle hand their guns through the window to the other officer.

And even though each vehicle was handled differently in a similar situation, there were no escalations! We were all released and allowed to carry on with our trip, AFTER I was cited for driving 11 over.

Evidently everything except speeding tolerance is big in Texas. #ChaChing

The moral of this quick story is to reinforce always being respectful when contacted by law enforcement. But everyone already knows that, right? 

And if something appears to be a strange request, again, be respectful, but ask for clarification so that you and the officer can work through a safe, unescalated contact. Then you and your travelers may continue on your way, as quickly as possible. 

Pulled Over While Carrying – Part 1

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Ivan Gelo

Ivan Gelo

Ivan served as a full time police officer with an Arizona agency for 26 years. He spent the majority of his career as a SWAT officer fulfilling 20 years as an operator. He is a Law Enforcement state certified Firearms, Rifle, Defensive Tactics, Active Shooter, and High Risk Stops Instructor. Additional duties with his agency included his work as a detective, Field Training Officer, police academy Recruit Training Officer and Lead Firearms Instructor, Rifle Instructor and Ballistic Shield Instructor.

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