When we think of the gold standard of pistol optics, what immediately comes to mind? The Trijicon RMR of course, legendary for survival in a realm that shatters optics with alarming regularity. This week, we are taking a look at the new RMR Type 2, but in an unorthodox role.

The original RMR was as hard as a coffin nail, no doubt about that. I have one of the early models with over 10,000 rounds on it that is still running strong. But the Type 2 does manage to lever in some upgrades. The electronics are further hardened, and a new battery connection system ensures no loss of power.

So while this is normally a pistol optic, what else is it useful for? It actually makes a surprisingly good rifle red dot replacement. If you are looking for a low-profile red dot for either a SAINT rifle or pistol, the RMR Type 2 fits the bill. With the lowest possible mount, there are some trade offs. But, if small is your need, nothing else is quite like it. In this week’s video, we take a test drive of the RMR and SAINT Edge rifle at both CQB and mid range.