It has been a good couple of years for us 10mm guys — the caliber is making a resurgence like we have never seen. That was proven again earlier this year when Springfield Armory introduced the 10mm XD-M OSP. Building off the popularity of the XD-M 10mm and the XD-M 9mm OSP, this is the package we have been waiting for. But what exactly is the OSP variant, you might ask?

The OSP package essentially gives the XD-M a threaded barrel, a slide cut for a red dot, and suppressor-height sights. You know, pretty much all you could ask for in a 10mm. The threaded barrel will accommodate suppressors, obviously, and the new taller irons make that package complete. But that isn’t what sprung to mind immediately for me.

How About This?
While subsonic 10mm is factory available right now, it isn’t the best use of the cartridge, in my opinion. Oh, you can, and it isn’t a bad option. You still get 220-gr. bullets, and 15 of them, which is a win. But when I think 10mm, I think high-speed performance. And the threaded barrel offers another choice when it comes to dealing with snappy 10mm.

My thoughts immediately went to a compensator. And since I live right down the road from Springer Precision, I was able to have them fabricate one. With the design proven, they are now available on the Springer Precision website for anyone to purchase.

A compensator is basically a muzzle brake for a pistol, and this one does a fantastic job of taming the mighty 10mm. If you wanted “the centimeter’s” performance, but happen to be a little recoil sensitive, the problem is solved. The benefits for a critter defense gun are also enormous. If you’re facing a charging bear or mountain lion, the reason many of us bought a 10mm in the first place, the number of rounds on target matter. Compensated up, you can now deliver accurate shots faster, a huge gain in a survival situation.

On Target
As many of us also use 10mm for handgun hunting, the slide cut is also of great benefit. I have always found it easier to take a difficult shot with a red dot, and I know I’m not alone in that regard. But what optic for the near-magnum snap of an XD-M 10mm? For me, there was only one choice — the Trijicon RMR Type 2.

The RMR is synonymous with tough, having already established a market reputation as the one to beat. The newer Type 2 improves on the older design, offering even more durability. The 3.25 MOA dot is refined enough for long-range shooting, but big enough to see in a snap shot. It is bright, visible and ready for duty. If your XD-M OSP 10mm is a bet-your-life gun, this is the right red dot for you.
So, with the help of this compensator from Springer Precision and the excellent RMR Type 2 from Trjicon, we’ve taken an already great gun and made it even greater. So, get your 10 and turn it into an 11!