What Did Santa Forget?

By T. Logan Metesh
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What Did Santa Forget?

December 25th, 2019

4 minute read

We all know Santa is pretty reliable guy, but let’s face it: he’s super busy. Flying across the entire world in a single night is a special kind of hectic schedule that you and I couldn’t begin to imagine. I mean, it’s one commute I’d sure never want!

Because he’s only one super-special man, and his workshop only has but so many hard-working elves, it’s only natural that some of the things you put down on your list for him might have gotten missed.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a rundown of some great Christmas gift ideas you can get for yourself.

[Be sure to read Top 10 Gun Gifts for Shooters to get additional holiday shopping ideas for the gun lover in your life.]

Feed the Fire

Even if you don’t get a new gun for Christmas, you can never have too many magazines. Now, if you wake up and find out that Santa left an M1A, Hellcat or a SAINT under your tree, then you definitely need more mags! Don’t just buy more mags for the new guns you got this year; be sure to show the ones already in your safe some love, too!

Need some back-up mags for your new Hellcat 9mm? Then pick up some factory-fresh 13 rounders.

Scoop up some 30-round Magpul PMAGS in .300 Blackout for your SAINT Victor pistol; snag some 13-round magazines for that new 9mm Hellcat; and stash some 20-round, all-steel mags for your new M1A. Be sure to dig around on the site and see what else they have you need.

Cover Your Back

Just like magazines, you can never have too many t-shirts. If your style is kind of subtle, then the crossed cannon logo shirt is for you. The logo is not too big and not too small, allowing you to blend in while wearing it if you need to. Or maybe you’re more of a “loud and proud” fan of Springfield Armory. If that’s the case, I’d recommend the shirt with the company’s name and an American flag emblazoned nice and big right across the front!

This crossed cannon logo shirt let’s you show off your Springfield Armory fandom with some low-key style.

Set Your Sights

Maybe you finally got that sweet new red dot optic you’ve had your eye on for your SAINT rifle. Just because you’ve gone all high-tech now doesn’t mean you can neglect your trusty iron sights. Grab a pair of these machined aluminum front and rear offset 45-degree flip-up sights, slap ’em on your top rails, and you’ll be good to go no matter what comes your way!

Pick up some offset flip-up iron sights for your SAINT rifle.

Let There Be Light

Let’s be clear about one thing right up front: having a light and/or a laser on your gun in and of itself won’t make you a better shooter, but it can make you a more confident shooter.

Put this Laserguard on your new XD-S, and you’ll be able to activate the unit with lightning speed using the “Instinctive Activation” button on the front strap. Whether you choose to use a light, laser, light/laser combo, or a light strobe, you’ll be well equipped to Defend Your Legacy.

The 600-lumen Surfire 6PX Tactical handheld light weighs just 5.2 ounces.

You should also have a flashlight as part of your EDC loadout. The 6PX Tactical puts out 600 lumens, but weighs only 5.2 ounces — plus it’s got an extra bit of flair with the crossed cannons logo on it!

Drink Deeply…

No matter how well-trained you are or how good your gear is, it means nothing if your body isn’t prepared and hydrated.

This durable 25-ounce water bottle will keep you cool on the go without having to worry about any spills or leaks. Plus, the branding is pretty sweet, too.

Stay hydrated on the range or out on the hiking trail.

Or, perhaps you need something to keep your cans of liquid refreshment cool on a hot summer day. Let everyone know that you’re ready to Defend Your Legacy with these koozies.

Santa may have forgotten some of the stuff you had on your list, but the options on this list can help ease your pain and disappointment. So pick up some of these for yourself or as gifts for shooting buddies; you won’t regret it!

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Product prices mentioned in articles and videos are current as of the date of publication.

T. Logan Metesh

T. Logan Metesh

Logan Metesh is an historian with a focus on firearms history and development. He runs High Caliber History LLC and has more than a decade of experience working for the Smithsonian Institution, the National Park Service, and the NRA Museums. The ease with which he can recall obscure historical facts and figures makes him very good at Jeopardy! but exceptionally bad at geometry.

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