What’s the +ONEMovement?

By Michelle Cerino
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What’s the +ONEMovement?

December 22nd, 2019

3 minute read

August is National Shooting Sports Month, the perfect time to invite a new shooter to the range. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) encourages everyone with a love of the shooting sports to help build the sports by introducing a friend with the +ONEMovement.

Taking a New Shooter to the Range +ONEMovement

It’s exciting to invite a friend to the range and introduce her to your sport. However, she may be a little nervous or stressed, especially if if she’s unfamiliar with firearms or has never shot one before. If you really think about it, it’s not natural to hold something in front of your face that’s going to make a load noise, send out a projectile, and recoil in your hands. Use the following tips for a more pleasant experience for both you and your friend.

Be sure your friend understands the range rules.

Before Heading to the Range

1. Find out what experience your friend has with shooting a pistol. If she tried it in the past, was it a positive or negative experience and why? Take that information into consideration when planning your day. 

2. You know the first thing you ask when going out with a friend is, “What are you wearing?” Make it easy and recommend clothing for the range. Explain the issues caused when hot brass goes down your shirt. (This is also a great time to mention what to do if that should happen.) If you’re heading to an outdoor range and shooting steel, mention that long pants are a better choice. Find more information on what NOT to wear to the range here

Keep an extra set of hearing and eye protection to loan your friend.

3. Loan her proper eye protection and hearing protection. Electronic hearing protection is a great choice, especially when working with a new shooter at an indoor range. 

4. Explain the four firearms safety rules:

  • Treat every gun as if it were loaded. 
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. 
  • Be sure of your target, backstop, and beyond.
  • Don’t let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to kill or destroy. 
Dry fire is a great way to teach your friend the fundamentals before heading to the range.

5. Teach your friend the fundamentals of shooting through dry fire. Make sure she understands sight alignment and sight picture, proper grip, and how to press the trigger. 

Consider all the friends you can invite for the +ONEMovement

At the Range

1. Consider the caliber. A .22 is a great choice for a new shooter’s first trip to the range. Getting comfortable with how to shoot the gun is much easier without the recoil and loud noise. 

2. Make it fun. Avoid frustration by using large paper targets at a close range. Set her up for success. The NSSF offers some fun targets to download and print here.

Here are some of the targets available on the NSSF website.

3. Stop before fatigue sets in and end on a positive note. Make sure she leaves with a smile on her face and the desire to return to the range.

4. Ask for her opinion on the experience and if she’d like to go again, and what she’d like to repeat or learn.

Even family can be invited! +ONEMovement

Help grow your sport by getting others involved. Share your success stories on social media with #LetsGoShooting and #PlusOneMovement 

Read more about the +ONEMovement and National Shooting Sports Month here.

Editor’s Note: This article was shared with us by Women’s Outdoor News.

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Michelle Cerino

Michelle Cerino

Michelle Cerino is the managing editor at Women’s Outdoor News and author of Gear Up, sponsored by Springfield Armory and Princess Gunslinger. She also freelances for other industry magazines including Combat Handguns, Person Defense World and New Pioneer Magazine. Michelle is the president of Cerino Consulting and Training Group LLC, a firearms training company she built with her husband Chris in 2011. They instruct both civilians and law enforcement. Her path in the firearms and outdoors industries is ever progressing. She is writing, hunting, competing and doing contract work for major manufacturers. Michelle is a proud Life Member of the NRA, and also belongs to NSSF, AG&AG and ILEETA.

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