Today, we have a video from Roy Huntington, publisher of FMG Publications. In this video, he touches on the importance of understanding a proper trigger press, and how it relates to accuracy with your handgun.
According to Huntington, this can be the most important means of wringing out the most accuracy from your pistol. You can have the most marvelous sight picture ever seen. One that you would want to photograph and show to your friends. But even with that sight picture, if you mess up your trigger press you will pull the shot. If you jerk the trigger pull, hurry the shot or fail to follow through, you will likely not hit where you were aiming.

Where It Counts
While stressing that this video is intended an introduction to a very important concept, and not a comprehensive overview or training session, Huntington gives us a closer look at this with a Springfield Armory XD-M 3.8 9mm.
He explains that the first step is to place the pad of your finger on the trigger. When you are ready to fire, press straight back; do not torque the gun one way or another. It must be a smooth and continuous press back until the trigger breaks.

A tip that he gives the viewer to pretend that you have a dime balanced on your front sight. As you press the trigger, do not do anything that would disturb that dime and cause it to fall. You should jerk or yank the trigger at the last moment, which can cause you to dip the muzzle at the last moment.
The greatest sight picture in the world will do you no good if you do not have an effective trigger press. So, check out the video at the top of this post and see for yourself!
Editor’s Notes:
This video was made by Roy Huntington and shared with us by GUNS Magazine.
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