
Most Common Reason to Switch EDC?

When Shot Show rolls around each year, I get overwhelmed by the amount of new product. I’m not a big hunter, and am still perfectly happy with the long guns that I currently own. I do carry a handgun each day, so I keep up with new pistols.

I’ve changed my EDC several times in my life. I bought a Glock 27 as my backup/off-duty gun as a young police officer, but switched to a Beretta PX4 Storm Compact when my kids were young because I wanted something with an external safety. When my kids got older, I started switching between the Glock 26 and Glock 19. I made my most recent change when the Sig Sauer P365 was released.

By my count, the majority of my EDC changes occurred because my life changed. Only the switch to the P365 occurred because of a newly-released or innovative product release. It got me wondering how often the other forum members change EDC guns. When you change your EDC, is it usually because of a newly-released model, or is it more likely to be due to change in personal circumstances?
I swapped from my Kimber Ultra Carry in .45 (7 rounds) to my Hellcat (16 rounds) in the summer of 2020 when the midwest where I live was burning and everyone had a case of the stupids. I saw people getting pulled out of their cars and beaten by mobs and decided right there that I needed more bullets. So I guess it was a combination of both for me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my 1911 but it just runs out of bullets to quickly. ;)
So—here’s my evolution over close to 20 years of carrying;

Springfield Champion .45
Glock 36
Glock 21
Glock 30
Glock 26
Colt New Agent .45
Les Baer Custom Carry .45 5”
HK P30sk
S&W 640/442/65/686
Sig P238
S&W 43C/341PD
Wilson Combat X9

The last 4 lines are what I carry most of the time, now.

At some point, I began to realize that the most salient points of armed self defense were:

1: Be armed (with a firearm, preferably)
2: Have the mindset that, if it is unavoidable, you will employ the weapons you have at hand with utmost efficiency.
3: Be trained and capable to make #2 a reality.

I really don’t bother myself with caliber or capacity. Fact is, they won’t matter.
Mostly been carrying an LC9S PRO since it came out. I occasionally carry a Sig P238 Scorpion but it really collects a lot of dirt in the hammer area which is why I bought the LC9S. I also on rare occasion pocket carry an LCP II with a green Viridian laser, usually in the summer with shorts on.

I would love to get a P365XL and a Hellcat RDP one day but I guess I just haven't justified it to myself yet, I'm slow that way. I really enjoyed shooting my brother-in-law's Hellcat RDP, so that may be next ... after I justify it lol.
Best way to justify a RDP is to buy it and take it to the range. After you fall in love there is no issues or concerns any longer. At least that's what worked for me. :p
Best way to justify a RDP is to buy it and take it to the range. After you fall in love there is no issues or concerns any longer. At least that's what worked for me. :p
I helped my older sister (70) and brother-in-law (76) clean, lubricate and sight in their new RDP about 3 months ago, neither was familiar with semi-autos at all. While I was shooting it my sister punched me in the shoulder. I was like, "WHAT?" She called me a show off because all my shots were basically going in the same hole in the target lol. So I shoot the RDP, or at least a micro RDS, pretty good. One would think that with shooting it so accurately along with 13 round mags should be enough justification. 😏

I guess it's just a matter of available dollars now.
So—here’s my evolution over close to 20 years of carrying;

Springfield Champion .45
Glock 36
Glock 21
Glock 30
Glock 26
Colt New Agent .45
Les Baer Custom Carry .45 5”
HK P30sk
S&W 640/442/65/686
Sig P238
S&W 43C/341PD
Wilson Combat X9

The last 4 lines are what I carry most of the time, now.

At some point, I began to realize that the most salient points of armed self defense were:

1: Be armed (with a firearm, preferably)
2: Have the mindset that, if it is unavoidable, you will employ the weapons you have at hand with utmost efficiency.
3: Be trained and capable to make #2 a reality.

I really don’t bother myself with caliber or capacity. Fact is, they won’t matter.
Nothing beats a well placed shot
Train and be vigilant
I swapped from my Kimber Ultra Carry in .45 (7 rounds) to my Hellcat (16 rounds) in the summer of 2020 when the midwest where I live was burning and everyone had a case of the stupids. I saw people getting pulled out of their cars and beaten by mobs and decided right there that I needed more bullets. So I guess it was a combination of both for me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my 1911 but it just runs out of bullets to quickly. ;)

I don’t usually feel outgunned, but we had an incident earlier this week where two people were shooting at each other at a local gas station/convenience store where reportedly 27 rounds were fired. Wow!
Weather and comfort are the only reasons I change.

In winter I will always wear OWB, but covered with a shirt/sweatshirt. In summer I will generally carry the same, since I work from home, but will opt for IWB when I hit the grocery store, etc.

I've also found myself changing pistols only for comfort as I get older. If I put on a few pounds, I might opt for a lighter pistol. In the last year I have also discovered the need for deeper concealment, so I purchased a velcro rig that goes around my upper chest and stays concealed beneath my shirt.

I generally don't change my EDC for a pistol, per se. I find what works for me and will usually stick with that option for many years after.
When Shot Show rolls around each year, I get overwhelmed by the amount of new product. I’m not a big hunter, and am still perfectly happy with the long guns that I currently own. I do carry a handgun each day, so I keep up with new pistols.

I’ve changed my EDC several times in my life. I bought a Glock 27 as my backup/off-duty gun as a young police officer, but switched to a Beretta PX4 Storm Compact when my kids were young because I wanted something with an external safety. When my kids got older, I started switching between the Glock 26 and Glock 19. I made my most recent change when the Sig Sauer P365 was released.

By my count, the majority of my EDC changes occurred because my life changed. Only the switch to the P365 occurred because of a newly-released or innovative product release. It got me wondering how often the other forum members change EDC guns. When you change your EDC, is it usually because of a newly-released model, or is it more likely to be due to change in personal circumstances?
As I get fatter I refuse to continue to buy bigger pants so I have downsized From Lt. Wt. Commander to Hellcat.
Currently working on creating space for that Commander

I've been carrying only since last August. I have two pistols on my CCW permit. I normally carry my XD9 in a kydex AIWB. My normal dress is slacks or jeans with untucked polo shirts or cowboy shirts. Whenever Mrs. BassCliff and I go to a more formal event where we have to dress up a bit, I carry her CW9 in a tuckable AIWB because it's smaller.

I suppose as my little armory grows I will have other options. I'm planning to get a 5" 1911 but will have to look into the EDC compatibility for that. ;)

I'm a bit envious of all you folks with nice collections. Good for you. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,


I've been carrying only since last August. I have two pistols on my CCW permit. I normally carry my XD9 in a kydex AIWB. My normal dress is slacks or jeans with untucked polo shirts or cowboy shirts. Whenever Mrs. BassCliff and I go to a more formal event where we have to dress up a bit, I carry her CW9 in a tuckable AIWB because it's smaller.

I suppose as my little armory grows I will have other options. I'm planning to get a 5" 1911 but will have to look into the EDC compatibility for that. ;)

I'm a bit envious of all you folks with nice collections. Good for you. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Some of us have a 30yr head start 😉