


Founding Member
Very good article on carrying your gun, talks about your gun printing, like if you bend over and stand up, plus if your gun accidentally gets shown. Personally, when I am carrying, I usually have on a T-shirt a few sizes larger then I wear, plus color and texture to help my gun not to print itself.

Very good article on carrying your gun, talks about your gun printing, like if you bend over and stand up, plus if your gun accidentally gets shown. Personally, when I am carrying, I usually have on a T-shirt a few sizes larger then I wear, plus color and texture to help my gun not to print itself.

Good article, I don’t worry to much about about printing or occasionally showing I’m carrying of course that all depends on where I am, or where I’m going or doing. I’ve been busy with wildlife calls and have been carrying my XDM 4.5 45ACP in my SafariLand level 3
Which is impossible to conceal so I don’t even try.

Looks to me that @10mmLife got outed!!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
I don't habitually carry, but if your state has legal open carry, and legal concealed carry, would some old lady picking up on your hideout get you in trouble with them fuzz?
I can't see why it would.
Now dangling the wonder worm trolling for bites, I can see that getting you into hot water.
Every gun I have prints a bit no matter how I carry or what I wear, unless it's heavy outerwear. I'm not going to sweat it too much. Otherwise, I'd have to wear a burka. I just try to be aware of who's around me and be cool.

If someone screams, "Oh my God! He has a gun!" I'll just stand there, smiling, and say, "Of course I do. Don't you?" Then I'll do whatever the S.W.A.T. team tells me.
I got my CCDW in Texas in early 2015 during that time there was no open carry. If you were seen carrying concealed and someone didn’t like it and reported you the police could hassle you.
I left Texas and moved to Kentucky in late December 2015 where I could open and conceal carry without a permit, I now have my CCDW and protections officer license in Kentucky where I can carry concealed or open carry without issue. Of course Kentucky is a constitutional carry state anyway and don’t need a permit but I feel more comfortable having one.
I’ve been seen carrying concealed three times in Kentucky and asked
(politely I might add about why I do)
Every time my calm response has been.
“so I can protect myself and others who don’t carry from people who want to do people harm” (after that I walk away)

I’ve never been rude in my response.

I’ve never been asked to leave a store.

As I mentioned when I’m on a wildlife rescue call I wear my SafariLand level 3 with my XDM 4.5 45ACP open carry, it’s basically the same holster or very similar to what law enforcement use, basically impossible to conceal carry without a heavy winter coat.
Awhile back I was putting gas in my truck after getting back from a rescue call when a LMPD officer pulled in to do the same thing, at first I thought he got a call about me but he was very cool with me carrying and we talked about what I do. Give respect get respect.
When we hog hunt, we all meet at a local gas station/C-store.
Police, game warden, & state troopers all fill up there as it is one of the local key spots where several key highways intersect.

We usually are “gearing up” with fuel, snacks, waters, etc…

Lots of open carry as we are about to embark and our destinations have been known to get us into hogs the minute we enter the fields. No time to “gear up” at destination.

Every single LEO waves and says “good luck”.
Game warden and sheriff even pass us out in the roads by the fields and wave.

Now, as a general rule, we all conceal carry, but hog hunting rally is “gear on” and roll.
No one cares. Rifles and pistols alike

The article was a very good in depth analysis.

This topic comes up over and over and over again on various gun fora so, it's obviously something people who carry think about.

I tend to be a little paranoid about it because when I was working I did have a couple of instances in which someone did try to take my gun off me. To be clear I was at work, in my security uniform and open carrying but the principle is the same.

I quit wearing clothing with logos before I was even aware that there was such a concept as "The Gray Man".

I seem to be one of those people who attracts idiots.

I used to work in a factory that wasn't heated in the winter. One day I wore an old Dallas Cowboys hoodie of my wife's to work. I have no interest in football in general and much less the Dallas Cowboys but all day long some idiot who worked in another department found reasons to come to my area and yell "COWBOYS SUCK!!!!" every time he did.

I've had people vandalize my car because of bumper stickers I had on it and I've had random people decide that whatever was on my shirt gave them the right to comment on it. I even had one drunk ass take exception to a Cabela's bumper sticker I had on my car.

That only had to happen a few times before I figured it out.

I live in Colorado, about half the people here dress like they buy all their clothes at REI. 7 or 8 years ago I decided to buy 5 pairs of Wrangler Cargo Pants and 10 black t-shirts. Then I went to the Goodwill in the good part of town and bought 2 green Cabela's shirts and 2 Blue Cabela's shirts and 1 blue Red Head shirt that I really liked and that's what I wear. People don't generally give my a second look
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