For work, we wear cargo pants / casual slacks and a golf shirt.
The article was a very good in depth analysis.
This topic comes up over and over and over again on various gun fora so, it's obviously something people who carry think about.
I tend to be a little paranoid about it because when I was working I did have a couple of instances in which someone did try to take my gun off me. To be clear I was at work, in my security uniform and open carrying but the principle is the same.
I quit wearing clothing with logos before I was even aware that there was such a concept as "The Gray Man".
I seem to be one of those people who attracts idiots.
I used to work in a factory that wasn't heated in the winter. One day I wore an old Dallas Cowboys hoodie of my wife's to work. I have no interest in football in general and much less the Dallas Cowboys but all day long some idiot who worked in another department found reasons to come to my area and yell "COWBOYS SUCK!!!!" every time he did.
I've had people vandalize my car because of bumper stickers I had on it and I've had random people decide that whatever was on my shirt gave them the right to comment on it. I even had one drunk ass take exception to a Cabela's bumper sticker I had on my car.
That only had to happen a few times before I figured it out.
I live in Colorado, about half the people here dress like they buy all their clothes at REI. 7 or 8 years ago I decided to buy 5 pairs of Wrangler Cargo Pants and 10 black t-shirts. Then I went to the Goodwill in the good part of town and bought 2 green Cabela's shirts and 2 Blue Cabela's shirts and 1 blue Red Head shirt that I really liked and that's what I wear. People don't generally give my a second look
I don’t take that as a “carry” starter pack.
My stickers and emblems just tell me early on who the pansies of the world are that get offended. Those that are offended by logo’s, well, they’re mad at the world, cause every company on earth has a logo.
Like the PETA T Shirt or