
Ayoob: Is It Time to Retire the 1911?

Years ago a friend brought his then new Glock M21 in .45ACP to my house to plink alongside my Colt Gold Cup. The Glock trigger felt like mush. Every time I drew and presented the Glock my thumb wiped off the non-existent thumb safety. The Glock held almost double the rounds of the Gold Cup. It placed the rounds all over the bullseye target at 25 yards whereas the GC put them all in the center. Verdict: I have several M1911's and one G19. My EDC is a 1911 lightweight Commander in an OWB holster. Is the 1911 perfect? No but it was designed and built at a time when the purpose of a defensive handgun was well understood and its still better the the vast majority of recently designed handguns.
My first introduction to 1911s is through the Ronin EMP 3 that I have been shooting for the past 2.5 months. I am very pleased with its accuracy, feel, concealability and reliability, to the extent that I now want to purchase another as a backup.
I'm glad I did my research and selected a Springfield for my introduction to this type of gun.
I'm also getting to the point where I want to start to explore other calibers in the 1911 range. This article will certainly push me along!
My first introduction to 1911s is through the Ronin EMP 3 that I have been shooting for the past 2.5 months. I am very pleased with its accuracy, feel, concealability and reliability, to the extent that I now want to purchase another as a backup.
I'm glad I did my research and selected a Springfield for my introduction to this type of gun.
I'm also getting to the point where I want to start to explore other calibers in the 1911 range. This article will certainly push me along!
Get a 10mm. A full size M1911 is larger than it needs to be to fire the .380 Magnum (aka 9mm Luger).
Years ago a friend brought his then new Glock M21 in .45ACP to my house to plink alongside my Colt Gold Cup. The Glock trigger felt like mush. Every time I drew and presented the Glock my thumb wiped off the non-existent thumb safety. The Glock held almost double the rounds of the Gold Cup. It placed the rounds all over the bullseye target at 25 yards whereas the GC put them all in the center. Verdict: I have several M1911's and one G19. My EDC is a 1911 lightweight Commander in an OWB holster. Is the 1911 perfect? No but it was designed and built at a time when the purpose of a defensive handgun was well understood and its still better the the vast majority of recently designed handguns.
You need to try the Gen5 triggers on Glock, lot smoother and not as gritty as the older generations, even though I am a Glock person, I never did care for the G21, to large a grip, but always a 1911 fan
I am, and have been, a 1911 guy since long before it was legal for me to own one. But... Long, long ago a buddy wanted me to shoot his new Glock 19. We get to range and he opens his trunk, takes the Glock out of it's little plastic home and immediately takes it by the barrel and throws it - not "toss" - he threw it hard enough it skipped across the gravel parking lot! I picked it up and there wasn't a mark on it! Ok, if you do that to my 1911 I'm probably going to pick it up and shoot you with it. Granted, both of my 1911's have NP3 coatings and Pachmeyer grips so it probably wouldn't do anything to them but still, you don't do that to *my* pistol! So the Glock felt odd in my hand, the trigger wasn't anything to write home about but it shot well and didn't have any malfunctions. I was impressed enough to eventually buy a Glock 21 (no 9mm minor caliber for this 1911 guy!). I used the 21 for about a year, put in a 3.5 connector (this helped the trigger a lot) and when I finally put it against the timer, found - much to my chagrin! - that I shot it better and faster than my 1911's! And that 13 +1 capacity was also a huge selling point. Ok, now that's a kick in the guts for a guy who's had a 1911 the majority of his life! Then a few years ago (I'm 70 now so "a few years ago" could be anything from a couple to 15 or 20!) bullet technology caught up to the 20th and 21st century and enter the Lehigh Xtreme Defender. And Underwood. Suddenly 9mm is a viable SD round even to an old .45 guy such as myself! Of course you can use the same bullet for a .45, so it just makes everything better. But that little Glock 26 rides the inside of your belt so well and it's 12 +1 capacity sure does sound good. But now the bad guys are getting into body armor? Rats! So, I've made the swith to 10mm, with a Glock 40 for fun and a Glock 29 for carry. No matter what, tho, I still have my 45's and they will be with me, almost always close by, until my last breath. But I still carry the Glock, even though it does tend to irritate me some!
Well for all those who can't or don't know how to handle and or shoot the 1911 and think it is obsolete. More power to you. Don't buy or use one, but for those of us that do use and carry one leave us alone. we don't tell you what to use or carry so give this issue a rest. it will never be agreed on.