
Wife Didn't Like It So I Kept It......


Last week I purchased my wife another handgun for carr, a Ruger Max 9; she owns two, a Taurus GX4 and a Springfield 911 9mm, in which I also bought. Well she didn't like it, she really didn't have a reason other than she just didn't like the look and feel of it (so she thought). No problem it was her loss, I decided to keep it and threw a red dot on it, a CT Rad Micro, which by the way is a great one. Now that she's witnessed me carrying the setup to my liking, she suddenly likes it. Well too bad for her, she'll have to go buy her own now. By the way too me it isn't as snappy as it's competitors, and it shoots great.


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I'm glad it worked out well for you. I have purchased a couple of guns for my wife over the years that later became mine. There was only one that I wouldn't have purchased for myself (Ruger LCP 22LR), but I still have a pretty good ratio. The LCP in 22LR isn't a bad gun, and there isn't anything wrong with it, I just don't personally have a need for a .22LR carry gun.

I usually have fun buying guns for/with my wife. She's not an avid shooter, but I like being able to turn an occasional range session into a date. The funny thing is that she grew up in the country and has been shooting for most of her life. I fired a rifle once during a Cub Scout campout when I was 10, and didn't fire my first handgun until I was in my 20's.
It's easy to buy a handgun for my wife. Look, there's a revolver, buy it, done...

Pistols not so much, very few she likes..
funny, you say that......i was at the LGS and a husband/wife were looking at some guns..the wife just did not want to hold an auto loader.

but once they moved on down to a section of S& W revolvers..??

the wife said, "Yes, i want this one, buy this one".....
Hi @Th@tGuy,

Very cool. I'm hoping to get Mrs. BassCliff a new pistol, something configured more for her left hand.

It's great that you both shoot together. Sure, buy another Ruger. Happy wife, happy life! 😁

Thank you for your indulgence,


My wife and I are both left handed and she dies best with the mag release in the "right handed" orientation. She finds it easier to press the release with her trigger finger. Her thumb is often too short to reach it well with her thumb without shifting grip.

I actually like this method myself it's very comfortable.
funny, you say that......i was at the LGS and a husband/wife were looking at some guns..the wife just did not want to hold an auto loader.

but once they moved on down to a section of S& W revolvers..??

the wife said, "Yes, i want this one, buy this one".....

My wife is a dedicated revolver shooter. Her two favorite handguns are a 6 inch Taurus 66 357 mag. And her SW 637 set up for her bedside table with a laser grip and a weapon light.

She does not trust pistols, she wants something that in her words, will go bang repeatedly even if the bad guy is crawling all over her with the gun pressed between them.

Now I would recommend a steel framed revolver over a lightweight most often to a woman but she likes her 637.
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My wife is a dedicated revolver shooter. Her two favorite handguns are a 6 inch Taurus 66 357 mag. And her SW 637 set up for her bedside table with a laser grip and a weapon light.

She does not trust pistols, she wants something that in her words, will go bang repeatedly even in the bad guy is crawling all over her with the gun pressed between them.

Now I would recommend a steel framed revolver over a lightweight most often to a woman but she likes her 637.
well...it's ingrained into a woman..."dependability"...

like when she chooses a man...oh WE THINK we choose our women, but many of us KNOW better, the woman does the choosing...

like a gun...a woman wants her man to "perform over and over again", at least as many times, as a 6 shot revolver...

but are most men ready to go...that many rounds...?????
Um, lol ok. That may be true but I think in my wife's case Daddy was a Detroit cop, daddy used a revolver and did not like pistols and so it's partly an inherited bias.

But that's an interesting hypothesis lol.
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