
What’s in the Vaultek?! Big Promotion from Springfield!

Interesting video

calling it an Alchemy..???

think maybe the 1911 maker, Alchemy might say something about the name..???

i don't think i'd be a buyer, i don't want my 1911's to be anything but a .45 ACP, that, and my state passed the mag limit to 10 rds.....so kinda useless.

and of course, the pricing....
What say you?

I'll pass. It doesn't fit into my "herd".

If I got one for free on Sept 2nd, I'll immediately turn it in for store credit.
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What say you?

I'll pass. It doesn't fit into my herd.

If I got one for free on Sept 2nd, I'll immediately turn it in for store credit.
My concern would be if I could use it.

My hands are not as strong as they used to be. Could be a gift for sons Christmas that he would have to wait 7 years to take possession of though 😂
I already have .45 double-stacked XDs. and doubt the new Alchemy 1911 would fit my hand being a metal-framed .45 double stack, but as indicated earlier it doesn't fit into my "herd".
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