
1911 Loaded Marine Corp. Operator, CA Compliant


.45 ACP|OD Green/Black PX9105MLCA18

I am considering a purchase of this gun. I am still new to guns. My only 1911 is a Wilson Combat Supergrade. Yes, I know, boukoo bucks, but it was a birthday present to myself. I love it and .45 ACP 1911.

If you have one or an opinion, please advise. Thanks. Mike.
That is a fine pistol
Thank you for your response, sir. I am leaning towards buying it. Has good specs and is relatively inexpensive. I really like how .45 ACPs shoot. I like the weight, the feel. Like I said, new to guns. Bought my first gun 2 years ago, now have 10 (and CCW), plan on a few more (and BTW, I will be 70 at end of year). I am fortunate enough to afford whatever I like, but I am not foolish. I like to buy value with quality. And I love history and our Constitution!
Definitely a good choice. You already have a top of the line 1911 with the Wilson. Would you consider going back to it’s roots? Maybe a mil-spec, bare bones 1911? Nothing wrong with old school.
I am a vintage racecar driver, so I appreciate the originals, www.historictransam.com. At this point, if I were to consider a "back to the roots" 1911. Hell yes. But I am stills such a "babe in the woods." Not sure where to start, but I am all ears!
I am a vintage racecar driver, so I appreciate the originals, www.historictransam.com. At this point, if I were to consider a "back to the roots" 1911. Hell yes. But I am stills such a "babe in the woods." Not sure where to start, but I am all ears!
I have the Springfield Armory Mil-Spec Defender 1911. I really like it. Shoots better than I can shoot it, but is reliable and certainly nothing fancy. Solid 1911 that is relatively inexpensive but certainly not cheap (quality wise).

Thank you for your response, sir. I am leaning towards buying it. Has good specs and is relatively inexpensive. I really like how .45 ACPs shoot. I like the weight, the feel. Like I said, new to guns. Bought my first gun 2 years ago, now have 10 (and CCW), plan on a few more (and BTW, I will be 70 at end of year). I am fortunate enough to afford whatever I like, but I am not foolish. I like to buy value with quality. And I love history and our Constitution!
I had one of these to work with when I attended the Springfield 1911 Armorer Course and took it down to its smallest parts. It is very well made. I would be proud to own one.
First, move out of California (CA compliant, uggghhh). ;) Second, heck yeah its a good gun! Go big or go home (if you have the money) is my motto - and that is a SUHWeet 1911. Now just practice, practice, practice...1911 takes some training. Gotta remember to hit that safety! I have 4 Springfields now, 1 Staccato and trying to talk myself out of buying a Thunder Ranch model NIghthawk.
First, move out of California (CA compliant, uggghhh). ;) Second, heck yeah its a good gun! Go big or go home (if you have the money) is my motto - and that is a SUHWeet 1911. Now just practice, practice, practice...1911 takes some training. Gotta remember to hit that safety! I have 4 Springfields now, 1 Staccato and trying to talk myself out of buying a Thunder Ranch model NIghthawk.
God, I wish I could move. Too much family, business, etc. Besides, I live in a great, gated community, 2 miles from beach, very low crime, no city police dept. Just Sheriff. With good CCW protocols. BTW, California voted 30%+ for Trump. Don't abandon us, please. After all we are the home of Ronald Reagan. Best POTUS ever!