
Strange Noises in the Night


Just now while checking in to this forum before lumbering off to work, a pack of coyotes all started hooting across the street from my place (4:45am, southern WI, edge of small town of 6k). I see them all the time but never heard that kind of racket before (lived here 20 years). I feel sorry for any neighbors' cat or dog that just was let out! I hear that this time of year they are mating and are more dangerous than normal...Too bad it's illegal for me to discharge a firearm where I live (but across the street it is not!).
Just now while checking in to this forum before lumbering off to work, a pack of coyotes all started hooting across the street from my place (4:45am, southern WI, edge of small town of 6k). I see them all the time but never heard that kind of racket before (lived here 20 years). I feel sorry for any neighbors' cat or dog that just was let out! I hear that this time of year they are mating and are more dangerous than normal...Too bad it's illegal for me to discharge a firearm where I live (but across the street it is not!).
I have pictures of coyotes in my driveway.

I was in suburban W. St. Louis County 2 days ago and 2 obviously rabid and mangy coyotes trotted up on us right in a neighborhood. Looking for old house cats I guess. They weren't scared of us.
Living 40 miles north of Tucson. Our main critters are Coyotes. who walk around like they own the place.Havalina pigs.Who travel in groups and can be quite agressive.Bobcats,who pretty much mind their own business, and mountain lions now & then. Right now we have a pack of wild dogs raising hell with the locals. Big problem is all the people who migrate here from the east. That think they are living in suburban Chicago. When their dog or cat disappears call for all wildlife to be removed from the area .
Just now while checking in to this forum before lumbering off to work, a pack of coyotes all started hooting across the street from my place (4:45am, southern WI, edge of small town of 6k). I see them all the time but never heard that kind of racket before (lived here 20 years). I feel sorry for any neighbors' cat or dog that just was let out! I hear that this time of year they are mating and are more dangerous than normal...Too bad it's illegal for me to discharge a firearm where I live (but across the street it is not!).
Buy a crossbow and learn to use it.
We have indeed encroached on their territory. But, they need to respect humans enough to not (hopefully) attack us when we run into one another. That is the “boundary” I was talking about, not geographical boundaries or anything like that.
Just now while checking in to this forum before lumbering off to work, a pack of coyotes all started hooting across the street from my place (4:45am, southern WI, edge of small town of 6k). I see them all the time but never heard that kind of racket before (lived here 20 years). I feel sorry for any neighbors' cat or dog that just was let out! I hear that this time of year they are mating and are more dangerous than normal...Too bad it's illegal for me to discharge a firearm where I live (but across the street it is not!).
A crossbow would fix your issue.
This happened to me one morning at work. The video ended because when he bit me I dropped my phone and got out my pepper spray. I heard some on the ground right in front of him he's stuck his nose in it and he never approached another human being again that I saw.

FWIW that was Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado springs.

This happened to me one morning at work. The video ended because when he bit me I dropped my phone and got out my pepper spray. I heard some on the ground right in front of him he's stuck his nose in it and he never approached another human being again that I saw.

FWIW that was Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado springs.

I would venture to say that is a young pup who has been around people a great deal (city surroundings) and equates people smell to food smell? Hunger trumps fear in most all species.
Just now while checking in to this forum before lumbering off to work, a pack of coyotes all started hooting across the street from my place (4:45am, southern WI, edge of small town of 6k). I see them all the time but never heard that kind of racket before (lived here 20 years). I feel sorry for any neighbors' cat or dog that just was let out! I hear that this time of year they are mating and are more dangerous than normal...Too bad it's illegal for me to discharge a firearm where I live (but across the street it is not!).
Coyotes are a common critter in my area, and those that let their small dogs & cats out at night in a non-fenced yard find out quickly.

My strange noise experience happened when I was stationed in an Upper Midwest State and lived in a large city in a 2-story duplex. With no AC I had the second floor windows open at night to cool the place down, when one night I heard a racket in the adjacent room. Got up and looked & saw a figure busting through the screened window from the shared front porch roof making noises like the Walking Dead Zombies.

I pushed the figure out back on to the roof & shut the window, then called the LEOs. The figure (next door neighbor) sat out on the porch roof for awhile then over into their same window next door.

The LEOs arrived & I went outside to meet them. I described the situation as we looked up on the porch roof where the next door neighbor window was open. The LEOs knocked on the door & woke up one of the occupants and went inside to check things out. Turns out another resident was on some sort of meds, flipped out, went out the 2nd floor window of their place & tried to climb in mine. Later the next door neighbors apologized and when I told them the one could have been shot that sunk in immediately.

Needless to say the property mgr found out and the next door neighbors had to move out and left the area. After that, I make sure my places since are very difficult to get in without making a lot of noise.
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Just because you have a fenced yard doesn't mean your small pet is safe inside. Coyotes have climbed or jumped fences and made off with small dogs. When our puppy was young, we had to watch out for owls and hawks. She's somewhere around 15 lbs. now. She's on a leash when off the property since loose dogs, coyotes or occasional mountain lion may be around.