
AR-15 The “National Gun Of America”

The so called commonsense gubmint declared the national gun to be a Beretta 92 when they required that signage be posted all over the place, to wit;

The 19-gol darn-11 is America’s gun, and anyone who says otherwise is a lying communist.

(Feel free to substitute actual bad words, in Alan Rickman’s voice, instead)
America's national sidearm, the the AR-15 could be the America's rifle, but that should be the 30-06
If we’re going strictly by sales numbers that’s probably about right. Is there another rifle or platform with higher sales in a shorter time span ?

I feel like Hans and the rest of you. The 1911 is the quintessential American gun, but has anything even come close to the AR in popularity or sales in say the last 15 years. It’s hard for me to come up with a person I know who doesn’t have an AR. There’s a whole new breed of gun owners who are thoroughly disinterested in the 1911. Or any steel frame pistols really.
I would think if we go over the long run, the 1911, pump shotgun and .30/30 lever would all be contenders.

But when one thinks strictly of the symbol of an American gun, how about the Colt SAA. maybe not quite as high profile as it was not so long ago maybe but dang at one time it was boss in media and kids toy holsters, not to mention its actual use in men's holsters all over it screamed America when you see it.
Depends who’s asking the question:

Non gun owners would recognize the AR-15/M16 image over prob any other gun.

Gun owners like ourselves have an entirely different view

Also depends on what time in history we are talking. Early 1900’s , 1970’s +, modern day, rtc ..
A vote could even be said for the Thompson Sub machine gun. it played a big part in American history. If it's a popularity contest then the AR15 would win, but if it's about battle rifles that kept us free, then you have to consider the Garand and the 1903 Springfield. maybe even the M-14