
First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

I really wish Springfield would ditch the two-piece guide rod across the board (not just on the Prodigy). I don't see a single advantage to it.
What...are we moving onto micro analysis of guide rod snobbery? LOL

Factory two piece is just cheaper and less moving parts.
I never had an issue with mine loosening up.. I did have an issue remembering to tighten it down… lol.
It’s not… my comment was in comparison to a tool less… :)

I think it was this comment that threw me off:

Nope, just good 'ol macro-analysis. 😊

It's a $1500 gun. A standard guide GI guide rod setup isn't exorbitant.

It makes it sound like GI is more than the 2-piece, but not exorbitant (i.e. not a LOT more).

I have a 2-piece in my 2011 and it's a PITA. Needing a tool (ANY tool) to break it down just kinda sucks. If I ever get it back from my gunsmith (fixing a grip safety that does not always work), I think I will change it to one that does not require tools at all. I really have no excuse for putting up with it like it is for as long as I have (since around '96 or so)...
I assumed you were comparing cost with a standard GI guide setup as well, which is why I was confused. I missed where "tool-less" entered the convo.
Sorry boys, wrong forum, wrong thread… LOL…
That’s on me.

Agree, it should come with a two piece that doesn’t require a tool.
I will go one step further… I really like the Atlas tool less guide rod.
I know some have reported issues with it..from what I recall is was mostly with hotter ammo and +p stuff.
I can say I’ve got 200 to 300 down range with it of my standard 124gr reload in the 130pf area, zero issues.
After having one on my Staccato P…it was a no brainer call. Simplicity always prevails.
My Prodigy had been flawless…I added an optic, and now it won’t return to battery 30% of the time. What could have caused that change?
I haven't had my plate off in a while... But loctite drip down.? I'd think too long of screws would be Everytime
I’ll check that loctite. I used the screws from the stock sight, which are the same size that ship with the A14B plate. Do you think they could be too long?
First range trip since getting the gun back from Springfield. Very happy so far. Trigger pull was A hair over 3.5lbs. I should add that before I went I changed the mainspring to a 17lb., added an extra power firing pin spring, installed an Atlas tool less guide rod and kept the 12lb recoil spring. I also installed a new slide catch, installed a short STI trigger and a Nighthawk Customs DTS. Don’t look at me like that. l know I have a problem. I had 2 failures to return to battery out of about 200 rounds. Both were with a Staccato magazine. With the factory mags it ran 100%. The Nighawk website says to expect 3.5-4lb trigger pull. Mine measured around 2.6 lbs. The last two days has not been without it frustrations though. I practically had to blow the thumb safety off with TNT (ok I’m exaggerating….a little). Now I cant get the Streamlight TLR-1 to mount!
@Mgar64, pure curiousity, what kind of ammo you running through it?
With similar work to mine, but no DTS, all EGW internals, I’ve got north of 3K rounds without a single issue, including 400 to 500 round with Staccato mags.
Only issues I’ve had were shooter induced, not locking back on last round due to Wife/Friend with too much thumb on the slide lock.
I hear on ya on the safeties…they suck. I’m considering a single sided for my Prodigy and Staccato…
The first failure was a Federal American Eagle 147gr flat nose. The second failure would have been either S&B 124gr or Winchester 124gr NATO. I have a lot more shooting to do to see how things work out. I have collected about a thousand rounds of various brands and types of ammo 115, 124, 138, 147 and 150 gr. FMJ, JHP, Federal Synth etc. Going to clean it and take it back out this weekend.
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