
Are Your Dogs Part of Your Home-Defense Plan?

Previously posted in Daffy Zone …

Now that I'm down to one dogo the only part of the plan is for my Wife to secure herself and the dogo Gracie and call 911 while she arms herself and waits for me to come back. I have always said though if some scum of the earth did something either to my Wife or any one of my dogo's John Wick himself would be jealous. Main reason why I never was willing or accepting to be a K-9 Officer even though it's been mentioned many many times because they all know that if someone intentionally hurt a dog while I'm around I'd go full blown on the offensive attack...
Our shepherd is beautiful, but she was a Covid baby. Couldn't get her into a training or behavior class for anything. She has bad manners and a quick temper. That said, she's not aggressive but alert. I'm more afraid of alphabet thugs doing her harm than some crackhead looking for a quick score. Lately, that has been our biggest concern. Keeping her away from "others"
We are on our 5th Rottweiler, all obedience trained, verbal and hand signals, all have been 100# plus (newest 2 yr old is 80#). All very loyal and visually intimidating. Their appearance alone would make any intruder decide to pick another home to target.

All have been barkers when anyone comes onto their property. "Early warning system" is a good description. That said only one was aggressive enough to chew your arm off if I gave her the command.
We are on our 5th Rottweiler, all obedience trained, verbal and hand signals, all have been 100# plus (newest 2 yr old is 80#). All very loyal and visually intimidating. Their appearance alone would make any intruder decide to pick another home to target.

All have been barkers when anyone comes onto their property. "Early warning system" is a good description. That said only one was aggressive enough to chew your arm off if I gave her the command.
We have had Rottweilers. Never worried about my family when I worked midnights when Fritz was in the house.
mine this past week has been playing LET me wake up DAD at weird hours.
temps dropped a bit and she gets, i guess cold so she pulls the blanket off my feet, and if i wake up and stop the pull, she will walk up to my head and go phooopff and then drop on me.
then she gets hot and its repeat a few more times
she cracks me up,
last night she had to pee at 4 30 am ish... so yep we slept in till 930 ish this morning :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
We have a sweet and calm Lab who announces visitors with a booming bark but then becomes everyone's best friend. For the past year we have had our daughter's poodle-Lab mix who barks at everything with a frenzied bark that will wake the dead. I have always encouraged the dogs to bark when someone approaches but I have yet to find the poodle's mute button.


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We have a sweet and calm Lab who announces visitors with a booming bark but then becomes everyone's best friend. For the past year we have had our daughter's poodle-Lab mix who barks at everything with a frenzied bark that will wake the dead. I have always encouraged the dogs to bark when someone approaches but I have yet to find the poodle's mute button.
my grand daughters pit bull is super quiet...i have heard her bark maybe 10 times.
we had her for about a year while child was sorting out life
she would run to the door and wiggle or sniff but never make a sound
one morning i was taking both dogs out and had no idea some strangers were in back yard
both dogs took off around corner and pee as normal..but this time they ran back...and something seemed amiss
so i walked around and BOOM 4 dudes digging a hole in my back yard, tearing down my fence and both dogs had them at attention, no barks...just teeth like bruce the shark

followed by me sharing some words about wtf are you doing ..
turns out the water company had to replace my lift station as part of state thing...but never told me, never called

both dogs refused to move...they stood fast in the launch position.. as said men climbed over the fence and went to street. both dogs then ran to the front at the gate and watched like...please dad say BITE.

lets say water company got their butt in a sling when the cops arrived and i insisted they be removed to jail for trespassing. and destruction of private property..
ended up with new fence by my fence guy at their cost and a sewer pump truck guy got cited for parking his truck blocking street. and i kept one of the trucks they had parked in my driveway until my fence was fixed (3days). cop told them ...you screwed up guys...its private property and yall could be jailed. and its my truck now until such time as i release it.
i was so proud of both dogs...they gave enough looks to stop the 4 dead in their tracks

head water company guy could not stop apologizing...guess when i got notice??? less than 10 minutes before they entered my yard... the other water guy knocked on my door around 7 am....KNOCKED, no door bell no phone call.
We have had Rottweilers. Never worried about my family when I worked midnights when Fritz was in the house.
A fun story about Rotties. About 35 years ago we had a sweet black Lab that loved everyone. I came into possession of a 140 pound male Rittweiler Fritz that had a sweet disposition and fit right into the family. My mother-in-law came to visit and I picked her up from a late night flight and installed her in the guest room. She did not know about Fritz. In the morning one of the kids opened her door and Fritz went in to investigate this new person. She was awakened by a cold wet nose that she thought was the Lab and was petting Fritz. Until she put her glasses on and saw she was nose to nose with that huge Rottweiler face. The gasp and scream were epic. That was one of life's great moments.
Not specifically "trained", but as all shepherds, my "kids" have a deep understanding of territory protection, very faithful, affectionate and friendly. Nothing goes pass them, unfortunately that includes minuscule chipmunks.

Here's the Female, 75lb German Shepherd, perimeter alert system, hears everything, understands everything, sweet and loving or scary as heck when pissed


And the male, 100lb Russian Shepherd, all-weather strike force, loves very cold weather, goes after bears and coyotes, and PD/Fedex/UPS/USPS's best friend (not kidding). He feels no pain, it's scarry sometimes to see the kind of gashes he comes back with from our woods, he eats rabbits whole after crushing them which is weird, but at the same time it's less gore to clean up. First week we had him he ended up at the Police Station as he was lost after chasing deers for 5 miles and found himself lost :D

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A fun story about Rotties. About 35 years ago we had a sweet black Lab that loved everyone. I came into possession of a 140 pound male Rittweiler Fritz that had a sweet disposition and fit right into the family. My mother-in-law came to visit and I picked her up from a late night flight and installed her in the guest room. She did not know about Fritz. In the morning one of the kids opened her door and Fritz went in to investigate this new person. She was awakened by a cold wet nose that she thought was the Lab and was petting Fritz. Until she put her glasses on and saw she was nose to nose with that huge Rottweiler face. The gasp and scream were epic. That was one of life's great moments.
my past two rotties would have sneaked up in bed with mother in law and hugged her... now that would be hilarious...
"installed her in guest room" perfect wording :ROFLMAO:
We had Huskies for years. Decided to breed a litter mistake.
They are Beautiful dogs but OMG PITA
Never had one but I hear a lot of people talking about how much they talk, bitch & moan and have tantrums. It's funny to hear and watch, but it must be hard. I know my shepherds need to be constantly entertained, I can only imagine what Huskies want!
Never had one but I hear a lot of people talking about how much they talk, bitch & moan and have tantrums. It's funny to hear and watch, but it must be hard. I know my shepherds need to be constantly entertained, I can only imagine what Huskies want!

Out of the 5 or 6 we had only 2 were good off leash. One had such a fit when we went to tow he ate a hole in my drywall. My Aom was in building trades and just learned how to patch it and took care of it easily but I wasn’t happy when I walked into that one!

Beautiful dogs and vocal except they wouldn’t alert a prowler. Probably due to that wolf relation. Not the best watch dogs
Very much so. Either by getting up and going toward the door, cutting loose a bark from hell, or just being a friendly lazy dog. I have noticed recently if we are out walking that he will occasionally position himself between me and the other person. He started this on his own. He is very social, loves kids and affection yet has his own special awareness.
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