The reason I brought up the TOI rounds is some folks don’t have the luxury of legally carrying JHp OR in small guns like say a 38 snubs that 1.8-2” barrel doesn’t have enough real estate to get the velocity to expand. The old 158 LSWC HO was designed around a 4” barrel just like the 125 stuff. He 2 exceptions are 135 Gold Dot and 110 Hornady Critical Defence.
So most that have any experience with snubs run 148 wad cutter or even 130 ball and it has proven effective and emulating (to a small degree) what a JHP would do if it actually opens up in a shorter barrel
Below is an article on Haggards results

Gunsite Revolver Roundup Ballistic Gel Testing
One of the more popular demonstrations at the annual Pat Rogers Memorial Gunsite Revolver Roundup every year is the ballistic gelatin testing block conducted by Chuck Haggard and Mark Fricke. Last week, Mark