Figured I'd share this, and even though I did submit the letter, any action upon this, is entirely up to the individual.
I just got an email with the following text and link (see below), to send your Congressional Representative, an already composed letter (you can read before submitting). The text of the email is as follows (with the "Take Action" link below that (although I think several links in the email text will work also)):
Link to "Take Action":
Figured I'd share this, and even though I did submit the letter, any action upon this, is entirely up to the individual.
I just got an email with the following text and link (see below), to send your Congressional Representative, an already composed letter (you can read before submitting). The text of the email is as follows (with the "Take Action" link below that (although I think several links in the email text will work also)):
Link to "Take Action":

Stop Warrantless Surveillance of Gun Owners
Joe Biden is using a loophole in a foreign terrorist spy program to collect information on law-abiding American gun owners and other citizens he suspects of being political opponents. You and I bot...